Abstract Class Controller_Base


Controller_Base is an abstract base class for implementing controllers.

Controllers are expected to provide one or more public methods which require no arguments to be passed. All such public methods are considered actions of the controller (unless the method name has been passed to hide_action()). Actions are automatically invoked to service a request depending on the request URL and the configured routing in the application.

For example, with default routing in place, a request to the URL "/hello" would invoke the index method of this controller:

  1.    class HelloController extends Controller_Base {
  3.      public function index({
  4.      }
  6.    }

Unless the action explicitly renders a response, the render_action() method is called automatically when the method returns. By default, this would expect a view template to exist at "views/hello/index.tpl". That might look something like:

  1.    <html>
  2.      <head><title>Hello!</title></head>
  3.      <body>
  4.        <p>Hello!</p>
  5.      </body>
  6.    </html>

Variables may be passed to views through the use of instance variables. All public instances variables of your controller become variables of the same name in the view. So if we did this in our controller:

  1.    class HelloController extends Controller_Base {
  3.      public function index({
  4.        $this->name 'George';
  5.      }
  7.    }

The view file could then make use of the variable, like so:

  1.    <html>
  2.      <head><title>Hello!</title></head>
  3.      <body>
  4.        <p>Hello, <?php echo htmlspecialchars($name)?>!</p>
  5.      </body>
  6.    </html>

Note that undeclared instance variables will be treated as public variables. You can prevent instance variables from being available to the view by specifically declaring them either protected or private:

  1.    class HelloController extends Controller_Base {
  3.      private $start_time;
  5.      public function index({
  6.        $this->start_time date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  7.        $this->name 'George';
  8.      }
  10.    }

So that in the view this would not output any date or time information in the second paragraph:

  1.    <html>
  2.      <head><title>Hello!</title></head>
  3.      <body>
  4.        <p>Hello, <?php echo htmlspecialchars($name)?>!</p>
  5.        <p>Request started at: <?php echo $start_time?></p>
  6.      </body>
  7.    </html>

  • abstract:

Located in /controller/lib/Controller/Base.php (line 131)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
 Controller_Base __construct ()
 string action ()
 void add_event_listener (string $eventName, callback $function, [array $options = null])
 void after_filter (string $name, [array $options = null])
 boolean allowed_action (string $actionName)
 void assign_template_vars (object $tpl)
 void before_filter (string $name, [array $options = null])
 void caches_action ()
 void cache_options ()
 string controller_name ()
 void deliver_mail (string $recipients, string $subject, [array $options = array()])
 void expire_action ([ $options = null])
 void expire_fragment ([ $options = null])
 bool fire_event (string $eventName, [bool $vetoable = false])
 mixed flash (string $key)
 void handle_request ()
 boolean headers_for_cache ()
 array hidden_actions ()
 void hide_action ()
 string layout ()
 void logger ()
 object model (string $className)
 void not_found ()
 void on_exception ( $exception, Exception $e)
 void perform_action ()
 array prepare_for_render (array $options)
 void redirect_to (mixed $url)
 bool remove_event_listener (string $eventName, callback $function)
 bool rendered ()
 void render_action ([array $options = array()])
 void render_error (int $error_code, [array $options = array()])
 void render_to_string ([array $options = array()])
 void require_https ()
 void require_post ()
 void set_action (string $action)
 void set_error (boolean $flag)
 void set_flash (string $key, string $msg)
 void set_layout (string $layout)
 void set_rendered (bool $rendered)
 void set_routing (Controller_Routing $routing)
 void set_template_defaults ($template $template)
 string template_cache_id ()
 string url_for (array $parameters, [string $method = 'get'])
 boolean will_cache (string $action)
 mixed __get (string $name)
 boolean __isset (string $name)
 void __set (string $name, mixed $value)
 void __unset (string $name)
mixed $action = NULL (line 135)
  • access: protected
mixed $event_listeners = array() (line 134)
  • access: protected
mixed $flash = NULL (line 136)
  • access: protected
mixed $hidden_actions = array('__construct'=>1,
(line 146)
  • access: protected
mixed $layout = NULL (line 133)
  • access: protected
mixed $logger = NULL (line 138)
  • access: protected
mixed $rendered = false (line 137)
  • access: protected
mixed $_action_method = null (line 144)
  • access: protected
mixed $_cache_actions = array() (line 142)
  • access: protected
mixed $_cache_headers = array('content-type'=>1,
(line 157)
  • access: protected
mixed $_is_error = false (line 141)
  • access: protected
mixed $_routing = null (line 139)
  • access: protected
mixed $_runtime_variables = array() (line 140)
  • access: protected
mixed $_will_cache_action = false (line 143)
  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 165)


  • access: public
Controller_Base __construct ()
action (line 173)

Accessor for this controller's action name

  • access: public
string action ()
add_event_listener (line 936)

Add an event listener to this class.

Options for the listener are:

  • only: Only invoke the listener for the specified actions (string or array of action names)
  • except: Invoke the listener for all actions except the specified ones (string or array of action names)

  • access: protected
void add_event_listener (string $eventName, callback $function, [array $options = null])
  • string $eventName: Name of the event to bind the listener to
  • callback $function: A callback function or method (will receive no arguments)
  • array $options: The list of options for the callback
after_filter (line 855)

Register a method on this class to be called before any request is processed.

Options for the filter are:

  • only: Only apply the filter for the specified actions (string or array of action names)
  • except: Apply the filter for all actions except the specified ones (string or array of action names)

  • access: protected
void after_filter (string $name, [array $options = null])
  • string $name: The name of the method to register.
  • array $options: The list of options for the filter
allowed_action (line 601)

Determine if an method can allowably be invoked as an action

  • access: protected
boolean allowed_action (string $actionName)
  • string $actionName: The action to test
assign_template_vars (line 769)

Assigns all public properties of the class as local variables in the template

  • access: protected
void assign_template_vars (object $tpl)
  • object $tpl: The template to assign variables on
before_filter (line 840)

Register a method on this class to be called before any request is processed. If the method that is called returns false, all processing of the request is stopped.

Options for the filter are:

  • only: Only apply the filter for the specified actions (string or array of action names)
  • except: Apply the filter for all actions except the specified ones (string or array of action names)

  • access: protected
void before_filter (string $name, [array $options = null])
  • string $name: The name of the method to register.
  • array $options: The list of options for the filter
caches_action (line 511)

Enable caching for one or more actions on this controller. Accepts one or more action names as parameters or an array of action names.

Actions may be conditionally cached by passing a list of options as the last argument to caches_action and specifying a callback with the 'if' option.

For example:

  1.    $this->caches_action('index''show'array('if'=>'not_logged_in'));

The above would then cause the controller to call the method not_logged_in to determine if the index and show actions would be cached.

  • access: protected
void caches_action ()
cache_options (line 915)

Return the cache options to use when caching an action

  • access: protected
void cache_options ()
controller_name (line 240)

Returns the name of the controller. For ExampleController this returns 'example'.

  • access: public
string controller_name ()
deliver_mail (line 700)

Deliver a multipart/alternative email

Additional options:

  • headers: Associative array of headers
  • attachments: An array of Support_Mail_Attachment objects

void deliver_mail (string $recipients, string $subject, [array $options = array()])
  • string $recipients: A single recipient or an array of recipients
  • string $subject: Email subject
  • array $options: Any rendering options
expire_action (line 303)

Expire a cached action. Defaults to the current action.

For example:

  1.    $this->expire_action(array('action'=>'index'));

Would expire any cached content for the index action.

  • access: public
void expire_action ([ $options = null])
  • $options
expire_fragment (line 331)

Expire a cached fragment. Defaults to the current action and a null fragment name.

For example:

  1.    $this->expire_fragment(array('action'=>'index''fragment'=>'total_entries'));

Would expire a block in the index view that looked like:

  1.    {cache name="total_entries"}
  2.      Total entries{$entries->count()}<br/>
  3.    {/cache}

  • access: public
void expire_fragment ([ $options = null])
  • $options
fire_event (line 990)

Notifies any registered event listeners

  • return: For vetoable events returns true if all listeners succeeded, false otherwise
  • access: protected
bool fire_event (string $eventName, [bool $vetoable = false])
  • string $eventName: The event name to notify listeners for
  • bool $vetoable: If true, any callback returning false ends the event chain
flash (line 279)

Return a flash message

  • return: The message or false
  • access: public
mixed flash (string $key)
  • string $key: The key of the message
form_authenticity_token (line 393)

Returns the current authenticity token to use in forms in conjunction with the protect_from_forgery() filter.

  • access: public
string form_authenticity_token ()
handle_request (line 400)

Process an incoming HTTP request

  • access: public
void handle_request ()
headers_for_cache (line 553)

Returns the list of headers which have been output that should be cached (or an empty list if none).

  • access: protected
boolean headers_for_cache ()
hidden_actions (line 590)

Return a list of all public methods which have been protected from use as an action.

  • access: protected
array hidden_actions ()
hide_action (line 571)

Accepts the names of one or more public methods which are protected from invocation as an action.

  • access: protected
void hide_action ()
layout (line 191)

Accessor for this controller's layout name

  • access: public
string layout ()
logger (line 1012)

Return a logger instance for the class

  • access: protected
void logger ()
model (line 1065)

A convenience method that calls Support_Util::model()

This method exists purely for more concise code creation. All three of the examples below perform the same operation:

  1.    // write this:
  2.    $post $this->model('BlogPost')->find($id);
  4.    // instead of:
  5.    $post Support_Util::model('BlogPost')->find($id);
  7.    // or
  8.    $BlogPost new BlogPost();
  9.    $post $BlogPost->find($id);

  • access: protected
object model (string $className)
  • string $className: The name of the model class to return
not_found (line 489)

Return a 404 not found message back.

  • access: protected
void not_found ()
on_exception (line 1025)

Handle an exception thrown in an action.

  • access: protected
void on_exception ( $exception, Exception $e)
  • Exception $e
  • $exception
perform_action (line 455)

Perform the current action. This method is intended only for use by handle_request().

  • access: public
void perform_action ()
prepare_for_render (line 737)

Prepare template and layout for rendering.

array prepare_for_render (array $options)
  • array $options: Any additional rendering options
protect_from_forgery (line 901)

If the request is not a GET request and does not contain the

expected token, outputs a 403 Forbidden error and returns false, otherwise returns true. This is intended to be uses as a before filter to help in the prevention of cross-site request forgery attacks.

  • access: protected
boolean protect_from_forgery ()
redirect_to (line 614)

Output a redirect header to the browser

The $url parameter may be specified as a string, or passed as an array. If an array it provided, it is passed to the url_for() method to produce a URL for the redirect.

  • access: protected
void redirect_to (mixed $url)
  • mixed $url: URL or fragment to redirect to
remove_event_listener (line 962)

Remove an event listener from this class.

  • return: Returns true if the listener was found and removed
  • access: protected
bool remove_event_listener (string $eventName, callback $function)
  • string $eventName: Name of the event the listener is bound to
  • callback $function: The callback currently bound
rendered (line 212)

Accessor for this controller's rendered flag

  • access: public
bool rendered ()
render_action (line 631)

Render the template for the action

Options are:

  • action: Override the current action template to use
  • layout: The layout to use, or false for none

  • access: protected
void render_action ([array $options = array()])
  • array $options: Any rendering options
render_error (line 660)

Render an error document

Options are:

  • message: The HTTP status message to return
  • description: A more detailed description of the error (rarely used outside of logging)

  • access: protected
void render_error (int $error_code, [array $options = array()])
  • int $error_code: The HTTP error code (e.g. 404)
  • array $options: Any additional options
render_to_string (line 644)

Render the template as a string.

void render_to_string ([array $options = array()])
  • array $options: Any rendering options
require_https (line 865)

If HTTPS is not the current protocol, outputs a redirect header to this URL using HTTPS and returns false, otherwise returns true. Convenient for use as a before filter on pages requiring HTTPS.

  • access: protected
void require_https ()
require_post (line 882)

If the current request method is not POST, outputs a 405 Method Not Allowed error and returns false, otherwise returns true. This is convenient for use in a conditional before filter to limit some actions to post only.

  • access: protected
void require_post ()
set_action (line 182)

This method sets the controller's action

  • access: public
void set_action (string $action)
  • string $action: The new action value
set_error (line 252)

Set the error flag for the controller

  • access: public
void set_error (boolean $flag)
  • boolean $flag: The flag value
set_flash (line 262)

Set a flash message

  • access: public
void set_flash (string $key, string $msg)
  • string $key: The key for the message
  • string $msg: The message to store
set_layout (line 203)

This method sets the path to the layout to be used.

A value of 'application' will expect a corresponding file named 'views/layouts/application.tpl'.

  • access: public
void set_layout (string $layout)
  • string $layout: The new layout to use
set_rendered (line 221)

This method sets the controller's rendered flag

  • access: public
void set_rendered (bool $rendered)
  • bool $rendered: The new rendered value
set_routing (line 230)

Set the routing instance currently in use

  • access: public
void set_routing (Controller_Routing $routing)
set_template_defaults (line 792)

Set various template variables if they have not been set explicitly.

  • access: protected
void set_template_defaults ($template $template)
  • $template $template: The template object
template_cache_id (line 814)

Returns the current template cache ID, in case you want to vary the cached output based on some condition.

  • access: protected
string template_cache_id ()
template_compile_id (line 824)

Returns the current template compile ID, in case this controller changes the template directory.

  • access: protected
string template_compile_id ()
url_for (line 364)

Return the URL for a given set of parameters.

For example:

  1.    $this->url_for(array('controller'=>'session''action'=>'login'));

Will return "/session/login" if you have configured a route like:

  1.    $route->match('/:controller/:action');

If a URL cannot be determined, an exception is thrown.

  • access: public
string url_for (array $parameters, [string $method = 'get'])
  • array $parameters: The parameters to build the URL for
  • string $method: The HTTP method to produce the route for (default is "GET")
will_cache (line 536)

Returns true if the given action name will be cached

  • access: protected
boolean will_cache (string $action)
  • string $action: The name of the action to test
__get (line 1088)

Invoked when an attempt is made to retrieve the value of an undeclared instance variable

  • access: public
mixed __get (string $name)
  • string $name: The name of the variable
__isset (line 1100)

Invoked when an attempt is made to call isset or empty for an undeclared instance variable

  • access: public
boolean __isset (string $name)
  • string $name: The name of the variable
__set (line 1076)

Invoked when an attempt is made to set an undeclared instance variable

  • access: public
void __set (string $name, mixed $value)
  • string $name: The name of the variable
  • mixed $value: The value to set
__unset (line 1110)

Invoked when an attempt is made to unset an undeclared instance variable

  • access: public
void __unset (string $name)
  • string $name: The name of the variable

Documentation generated on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 09:46:40 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3