Class Controller_Routing_Builder


Controller_Routing_Builder is used as a convenient way to add routes to the system.

Building Routes

There are three primary methods the builder exposes for adding routes: match, regex, and root. Most routes can be added using the match method. As a simple example, take the default routes (assuming $route is an instance of Controller_Routing_Builder):

  1.    $route->match("/:controller/:action/:id")// matches URLs like "/user/edit/5"
  2.    $route->match("/:controller/:action");     // matches URLs without an id component
  3.    $route->match("/:controller"array('action'=>'index'));
  4.                                               // uses 'index' for URLs without an action value

The regex method allows an entire regular expression to be evaluated against the URL:

  1.    // sends any URL with the words "i don't know" to the slime action of
  2.    // the error controller:
  4.    $route->regex("/\\bi don't know\\b/i",
  5.      array('controller'=>'error''action'=>'slime'));

Lastly, root allows you to connect a route to the root URL (/):

  1.    $route->root(array('controller'=>'home'));


There are two ways to set parameters as part of a route. With the match method, any parameter name may be prefixed with a colon (:) within the URL to indicate it is to be pulled from that location:

  1.    $route->match('/password_reset/:token'array('controller'=>'session',
  2.      'action'=>'password_reset'));
  4.    // the URL "/password_reset/68656c6c6f20776f726c64" would produce the parameters:
  5.    // array('controller'=>'session', 'action'=>'password_reset', 'token'=>'68656c6c6f20776f726c64')

Additionally, all of the builder methods accept an array of default parameter values as the first argument following any path matching information:

  1.    $route->match('/article/:id'array('controller'=>'articles',
  2.      'action'=>'show''category'=>'all'));
  4.    // the URL "/article/20110824.3" would produce the parameters:
  5.    // array('controller'=>'articles', 'action'=>'show', 'id'=>'20110824.3', 'category'=>'all')


All of the builder methods also accept a second array argument which can be used to impose further matching conditions. One type of matching constraint is to limit the HTTP method used to access the route:

  1.    $route->match('/articles'array('controller'=>'articles',
  2.      'action'=>'create')array('method'=>'put'));
  3.    // PUT /articles would match the route
  4.    // GET /articles would not
  6.    $route->match('/article/:id'array('controller'=>'articles',
  7.      'action'=>'edit')array('method'=>array('get''post')));
  8.    // GET /article/497 would match the route
  9.    // POST /article/497 would match the route
  10.    // PUT /article/497 would not match

The second type of constraint requires a string or regular expression to match a parameter value (the parameter name is provided as the key):

  1.   $route->match('/article/:id'array('controller'=>'articles',
  2.     'action'=>'show')array('method'=>'get'id=>"/\\A[H|S]R\\d+\\z/"));
  3.   // GET /article/HR1842 would match the route
  4.   // GET /article/1842 would not
  5.   // POST /article/HR1842 would also not match
  7.   $route->match('/article/:id'array('controller'=>'articles',
  8.     'action'=>'show')array('format'=>'html'));
  9.   // GET /article/1842?format=html would match
  10.   // GET /article/1842?format=pdf would not match
  11.   // GET /article/1842 would not match

Located in /controller/lib/Controller/Routing/Builder.php (line 97)

Variable Summary
 mixed $routing
Method Summary
 Controller_Routing_Builder __construct (Controller_Routing $routing)
 void match (string $path, [array $defaults = null], [array $constraints = null])
 void regex (string $regex, [array $defaults = null], [array $constraints = null])
 void root ([array $defaults = null], [array $constraints = null])
mixed $routing (line 99)
  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 106)


  • access: public
Controller_Routing_Builder __construct (Controller_Routing $routing)
match (line 120)

The match method adds a route based on matching a URL string with optional embedded parameters.

See the class documentation for more details and examples.

  • access: public
void match (string $path, [array $defaults = null], [array $constraints = null])
  • string $path: The URL string to match
  • array $defaults: Any default parameter values to include as part of the route
  • array $constraints: Any constraints to include as part of the route
regex (line 159)

The regex method adds a route based on regular expression to be evaluated against the complete URL.

See the class documentation for more details and examples.

  • access: public
void regex (string $regex, [array $defaults = null], [array $constraints = null])
  • string $regex: The regular expression to use
  • array $defaults: Any default parameter values to include as part of the route
  • array $constraints: Any constraints to include as part of the route
root (line 178)

The root method adds a route that matches the site root URL.

See the class documentation for more details and examples.

  • access: public
void root ([array $defaults = null], [array $constraints = null])
  • array $defaults: Any default parameter values to include as part of the route
  • array $constraints: Any constraints to include as part of the route

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