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a b c e f g h i k l m o p r s t u v w _
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Cache_UnsupportedEngineError::__construct() in UnsupportedEngineError.php
Method __construct
Method __constructor
Method __constructor
Method __constructor
Method __constructor
Page Apc.php
Apc.php in Apc.php
Page block.cache.php
block.cache.php in block.cache.php
Variable $cache
Variable $cache
Variable $cacheStore
Method cache_directory
Returns the name of the cache directory to use for a given set of options
Class Cache_Engine
Cache_Engine in Engine.php
Cache_Engine defines the interface that cache implementations must conform to.
Class Cache_Engine_Apc
Cache_Engine_Apc in Apc.php
The APC cache engine. This engine requires the APC extension to be installed. Items stored with the APC engine use the APC-provided variable cache mechanism for storage.
Class Cache_Engine_Apc_Item
The key object for the apc cache engine.
Class Cache_Engine_File
Cache_Engine_File in File.php
The file system cache engine. Items stored in the file system cache are each stored in separate files and persist between requests. They are dependent on the default expiration mechanism of Cache_Store to clean up unused files.
Class Cache_Engine_File_Item
The key object for the file cache engine.
Class Cache_Engine_Memcache
Cache_Engine_Memcache in Memcache.php
The memcache cache engine. This engine requires the Memcache extension to be installed. Items stored with the memcache engine use memcached for storage.
Class Cache_Engine_Memcache_Item
The key object for the memcache cache engine.
Class Cache_Engine_Memory
Cache_Engine_Memory in Memory.php
The in-memory cache engine. Items stored in the in-memory cache are lost at the end of the current request.
Class Cache_Engine_Memory_Item
The key object for the memory cache engine.
Method cache_file_path
Returns the full cache file path for a given set of options and keys
Class Cache_ItemBase
Cache_ItemBase in ItemBase.php
Cache_ItemBase is an abstract class for implementing the key object that must be returned by implementors of the Cache_Engine interface. It provides methods for working with the value associated with its key.
Class Cache_Provider
Cache_Provider in Provider.php
A cache store provider for use with Support_Resources
Class Cache_Store
Cache_Store in Store.php
Cache_Store provides the public interface for working with the cache system. Internally it uses one or more engines to service requests.
Class Cache_UnsupportedEngineError
Cache_UnsupportedEngineError in UnsupportedEngineError.php
Indicates a request for an unsupported cache engine
Method cleanup
Clean up locks at shutdown
Method clear
Remove all items from the cache.
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Cache_Engine::clear() in Engine.php
Clear all items from the cache
Method conditionally_remove
Conditionally removes an item based on it being unchanged
Variable $engine
Variable $engine
Variable $engine
Variable $engines
Page Engine.php
Engine.php in Engine.php
Method engine
Return the engine specified in the options.
Method escape_file_character
Escape a value for use in a filename
Method exists
Test for the existence of key in the cache.
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Cache_ItemBase::exists() in ItemBase.php
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method expire
Remove key and its data from the cache.
Method expire_value
Returns the expire time value to use for calls to memcache
Page File.php
File.php in File.php
Method get
Cache_Provider::get() in Provider.php
Return a cache store instance.
Method get
Cache_Store::get() in Store.php
Return the value for key.
Method get_connection_options
Return host and port connection values for a given set of options
Method get_memcache
Returns the Memcache instance for a given set of options
Method get_server_description
Returns the server description for a given set of options
Method has_locking
Returns false to indicate this engine's items do not provide locking
Method has_locking
Returns false to indicate this engine's item do not provide locking
Method has_locking
Returns true to indicate this engine's items provide locking
Method has_locking
Return true if this Engine's items provide locking
Method has_locking
Returns false to indicate this engine's item do not provide locking
Page Init.php
Init.php in Init.php
Page ItemBase.php
ItemBase.php in ItemBase.php
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The memcache engine is only supported when the memcache extension is also present.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The memory engine is always supported.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The apc engine is only supported when the APC extension is also present.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. Most engines will want to always return true, but in some cases it may be a good place to check that all needed extensions are present.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The file engine is always supported.
Method is_valid
Tests if an item is considered valid (has not yet expired)
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Variable $key
Cache_ItemBase::$key in ItemBase.php
Method key
Cache_ItemBase::key() in ItemBase.php
Returns this item's key
Method key_value
Returns a clean key value
Variable $lock
Variable $lockCount
Variable $locked
Variable $locks
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Method lock
Cache_ItemBase::lock() in ItemBase.php
Acquire a lock on the key. The method is expected to block until the lock is acquired.
Method lock
Acquire a lock on the key. The method blocks until the lock is acquired.
Class Constant LOCK_READ
A read, or shared lock type
Class Constant LOCK_WRITE
A write, or exclusive lock type
Method logger
Return a logger instance
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Variable $memcaches
Page Memcache.php
Memcache.php in Memcache.php
Page Memory.php
Memory.php in Memory.php
Method make_directory
Creates a directory (and any parent directories) as needed
Method marshall
Given any value, returns a string representation of that value, serializing the value if necessary. This is convenient for preparing a value for storage for some engines.
Class Constant MAX_FILENAME
Method mtime
Return the last modified time (as a Unix timestamp) of the value associated with the key.
Method mtime
Cache_ItemBase::mtime() in ItemBase.php
Return the last modified time (as a Unix timestamp) of the value
Variable $options
Variable $options
Variable $options
Page Provider.php
Provider.php in Provider.php
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Cache_ItemBase::read() in ItemBase.php
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method register_lock
Register a lock for cleanup at shutdown
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Cache_ItemBase::remove() in ItemBase.php
Remove the key from the cache
Page Store.php
Store.php in Store.php
Method safe_file_name
Sanitize a string value for use as a filename
Method set
Cache_Store::set() in Store.php
Store a value for key.
Function smarty_block_cache
smarty_block_cache() in block.cache.php
cache Smarty function
Variable $token
Page UnsupportedEngineError.php
UnsupportedEngineError.php in UnsupportedEngineError.php
Method unlock
Cache_ItemBase::unlock() in ItemBase.php
Release any acquired lock for the key. As with lock(), this function should merely return (the default) if locking is not supported.
Method unlock
Release any acquired lock for the key.
Method unmarshall
This is the inverse of marshall(). Given a string value returned by marshall, returns the original value.
Method unregister_lock
Unregister a released lock passed to register_lock()
Method valid_options
Return the correct set of options to use for a provided options argument
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Cache_ItemBase::write() in ItemBase.php
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
a b c e f g h i k l m o p r s t u v w _