[support] element index

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a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w _
Method __construct
Constructor -- Direct instantiation is not allowed
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Variable $attachments
Method add_attachment
Add an attachment
Method assemble_alternative
Assembles an alternative body
Method assemble_body
Assemble and return the body
Method assemble_header
Assemble and return the header
Method assemble_mixed
Assembles a mixed body with an alternative one inside
Method assign
Assign a variable to be available to any template processed by this engine
Page ArrayHelper.php
ArrayHelper.php in ArrayHelper.php
Page Attachment.php
Attachment.php in Attachment.php
Variable $boundary
MIME boundary
Variable $cached_models
Variable $cacheStore
Variable $capabilities
Variable $className
Support_UnknownClassError::$className in UnknownClassError.php
Variable $connection
Method cache
Get a cache store
Method camelize
Convert space or underscore separated words to a single mixed case name. For example, table_name becomes TableName. If $firstWordUpper is false, the first word is not converted to upper case (table_name would become tableName).
Class Cfg
Cfg in Cfg.php
A class for accessing application-level configuration information.
Method className
Accessor for the class name
Method clean
Strip non-printable characters from a value
Method clear
Remove all data from the cache.
Method config_data
Get the array of application configuration data
Method connect
Connect to the database
Method connect
Connect to the mail server
Method content_tag
Output a content tag
Method create
Factory method for accessing the configured engine
Page Cfg.php
Cfg.php in Cfg.php
Page CacheProvider.php
CacheProvider.php in CacheProvider.php
Page ConfigProvider.php
ConfigProvider.php in ConfigProvider.php
Variable $data
The data or path/filename of the attachment data
Variable $data
Cfg::$data in Cfg.php
Variable $data_is_path
A flag that, when true, indicates $data contains a path and not actual data
Method data
Send message data
Method db_connection
Get a database connection
Method debug
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::debug() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log a debug message.
Method default_error_handler
Passes on the actual error to the previous handler or to the default handler
Method disconnect
Close the connection
Method display
Output a template
Page DBProvider.php
DBProvider.php in DBProvider.php
Page DefaultCacheProvider.php
DefaultCacheProvider.php in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Page DefaultConfigProvider.php
DefaultConfigProvider.php in DefaultConfigProvider.php
Page DefaultDBProvider.php
DefaultDBProvider.php in DefaultDBProvider.php
Page DefaultLoggerProvider.php
DefaultLoggerProvider.php in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Page DefaultTemplateProvider.php
DefaultTemplateProvider.php in DefaultTemplateProvider.php
Method error
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::error() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log an error message.
Method exclude_sorted
Returns a new array containing all elements from source except any that are also present in exclude. Both input arrays must be sorted.
Method exists
Cfg::exists() in Cfg.php
Test for the existence of a key in the configuration.
Method exists
Test for the existence of key in the cache.
Method expire
Remove key and its data from the cache.
Page ErrorLogger.php
ErrorLogger.php in ErrorLogger.php
Page Engine.php
Engine.php in Engine.php
Method fatal
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::fatal() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log a fatal error message.
Method fetch
Return a processed template as a string
Method find_key
Cfg::find_key() in Cfg.php
Locate the named key in the configuration.
Method get
Return an interface to a cache store.
Method get
Return an instance of a database connection.
Method get
Return a logger instance for the given name.
Method get
Return a template engine instance.
Method get
Return a logger instance for the given name.
Method get
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore::get() in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Return the value for key.
Method get
Return the application configuration data.
Method get
Cfg::get() in Cfg.php
Returns the value of the given key in the configuration. If they key does not exist, any default value provided is returned instead (or NULL if none is provided).
Method get
Return an instance of a template engine
Method get
Return the array of application configuration data.
Method get
Return a cache store instance.
Method get
Return an instance of a database connection.
Method getInstance
Return the shared class instance
Method getLine
Read and return a line from the socket
Method getResponse
Get a reponse from the server
Method get_new_connection
Returns a new PDO connection
Method get_required
Returns the value of the given key in the configuration. If they key does not exist, MissingRequiredConfigurationError is thrown instead.
Method get_resource
Generic implementation of getting a resource from a provider
Method get_template_vars
Return the value assigned to the named variable, or all assigned variables if not provided.
Variable $headers
Additional mail headers as an associative array
Variable $html
HTML body
Method handle_error
Invoked when errors occur. Respects the error_reporting setting.
Method has_alternatives
Returns true if the message contains alternative formats
Method has_header
Return true if the specified header has a value
Method header
Return the value of a header field
Method humanize
Convert underscore separated words to a space separated string of words with an initial capital letter.
Variable $ignore
Matches words which are the same in both the singular and plural forms
Variable $included
Variable $inst
Support_Inflector::$inst in Inflector.php
Shared instance
Variable $instance
Method ignored
Test a word to see if it matches a pattern on the ignore list
Method info
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::info() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log an info message.
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method instance
Returns the shared instance. Used only internally.
Method intersect_sorted
Returns a new array containing only those values from source which are also present in incl. Both input arrays must be sorted.
Method is_associative
Test an array to see if it is associative. Note that this resets the array pointer.
Page Inflector.php
Inflector.php in Inflector.php
Variable $key
Method kexclude_sorted
Similar to exlude_sorted, only the keys in source are compared to the values in exclude and only those key/value pairs whose keys are not in exlude are returned. The source array must be sorted by keys and the exclude array must be sorted by value.
Method kintersect_sorted
Similar to intersect_sorted, only the keys in source are compared to the value in incl and only those key/value pairs whose keys are in incl are returned. The source array must be sorted by keys and the incl array must be sorted by value.
Variable $level
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::$level in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Variable $loggers
Method logger
Get a logger instance
Method log_message
Send a message to the error log
Page LoggerProvider.php
LoggerProvider.php in LoggerProvider.php
Method mailFrom
Mail from command
Method merge_sorted
Perform a basic two-way merge on pre-sorted input arrays.
Method message_mime_type
Return the underlying message mime type (irrespective of attachments)
Class MissingRequiredConfigurationError
Thrown if a required configuration value has not been specified
Method model
Returns an instance of the named class. This is a convenience method
Page MailEngine.php
MailEngine.php in MailEngine.php
Page Msg.php
Msg.php in Msg.php
Variable $name
The name of the attachment
Variable $name
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::$name in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Variable $nl
Method negotiate
Negotiate the transaction
Variable $optionName
Support_UnknownOptionError::$optionName in UnknownOptionError.php
Variable $outerBoundary
Outer MIME boundary (for attachemnts)
Method optionName
Accessor for the option name
Method options_from_argument_list
Return the options, if any, provided in a list of arguments and
Variable $pattern
Variable $plurals
Plural conversions
Variable $previousHandler
Set to the previously registered handler which will be invoked after logging the error
Variable $providers
Method pluralize
Return the plural form of a word
Method pluralize_impl
Implementation for pluralize
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Variable $recipients
List of message recipients
Variable $replace
Method rcptTo
Recipient command
Method recipients
Return the message's recipients
Method redirect
Redirect to a given URL
Method register
Register the logger
Method register_cache
Register a cache provider
Method register_config_data
Register a config data provider
Method register_db_connection
Register a db connection provider
Method register_logger
Register a logger provider
Method register_provider
Generic implementation of registering a resource provider
Method register_template_engine
Register a template engine provider
Page Resources.php
Resources.php in Resources.php
Variable $singulars
Singular conversions
Variable $sock
Variable $subject
Message subject
Method sanitizeData
Sanitize data for sending
Method send
Send an email message
Method send
Send an email message
Method send
Send an email message
Method send
Send the mail message
Method sendLine
Send a line to the remove server
Method set
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore::set() in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Store a value for key.
Method set_default_cache
Set the default cache provider
Method set_default_config_data
Set the default config data provider
Method set_default_db_connection
Set the default db connection provider
Method set_default_logger
Set the default logger provider
Method set_default_provider
Generic implementation of setting a default resource provider
Method set_default_template_engine
Set the default template engine provider
Method set_header
Add a header field
Method set_html_body
Set the HTML body
Method set_text_body
Set the text body
Method singularize
Return the singlar form of a word
Method singularize_impl
Implementation for singularize
Method subject
Return the message's subject
Page SMTPEngine.php
SMTPEngine.php in SMTPEngine.php
Class Support_ArrayHelper
Support_ArrayHelper in ArrayHelper.php
Additional helper functions for working with arrays
Class Support_ErrorLogger
Support_ErrorLogger in ErrorLogger.php
Utility to log PHP errors when they occur. Requires log_error to be registered with set_error_handler.
Class Support_Hook_ProjectInstall
Support_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the support package
Class Support_Inflector
Support_Inflector in Inflector.php
The Inflector class handles conversion of words between their singular and plural forms.
Class Support_InflectorConversion
Used by the Support_Inflector class to hold conversion information
Class Support_InvalidResourceProviderError
Thrown when an attempt is made to register a provider that does not implement the correct interface.
Class Support_Mail_Attachment
Support_Mail_Attachment in Attachment.php
Represents an email attachment
Class Support_Mail_Engine
Support_Mail_Engine in Engine.php
Interface for sending email
Class Support_Mail_MailEngine
Support_Mail_MailEngine in MailEngine.php
Default mail engine uses PHP's builtin mail function
Class Support_Mail_Msg
Support_Mail_Msg in Msg.php
Simple class for constructing an HTML mail message
Class Support_Mail_SMTPEngine
Support_Mail_SMTPEngine in SMTPEngine.php
Simple SMTP-based mail engine
Class Support_Resources
Support_Resources in Resources.php
Factory class for accessing system and application-wide resources
Class Support_Resources_CacheProvider
Support_Resources_CacheProvider in CacheProvider.php
Interface for providing a cache store for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_ConfigProvider
Support_Resources_ConfigProvider in ConfigProvider.php
Interface for providing config data for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_DBProvider
Interface for providing database connections for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_DefaultCacheProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheProvider in DefaultCacheProvider.php
The default cache provider returns
Class Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore provides the same public interface
Class Support_Resources_DefaultConfigProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultConfigProvider in DefaultConfigProvider.php
The default config data provider includes a file named config.php (from anywhere in the include path) which is expected to populate a global array named APP_CONFIG.
Class Support_Resources_DefaultDBProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultDBProvider in DefaultDBProvider.php
Default implementation of Support_Resources_DBProvider
Class Support_Resources_DefaultLogger
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
A simplistic logger that passes message to error_log and does rudimentary filtering based on the current error reporting setting.
Class Support_Resources_DefaultLoggerProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultLoggerProvider in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
The default logger provider returns uses the
Class Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateEngine
Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateEngine in DefaultTemplateProvider.php
The default template engine
Class Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateProvider in DefaultTemplateProvider.php
The default template engine provider. This provider returns a simple class which uses PHP's built-in templating abilities.
Class Support_Resources_LoggerProvider
Support_Resources_LoggerProvider in LoggerProvider.php
Interface for providing loggers for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_TemplateProvider
Support_Resources_TemplateProvider in TemplateProvider.php
Interface for providing template engines for Support_Resources
Class Support_TagHelper
Support_TagHelper in TagHelper.php
Helper functions for creating HTML tags
Class Support_UnknownClassError
Support_UnknownClassError in UnknownClassError.php
Thrown if an unknown/undeclared class is referenced
Class Support_UnknownOptionError
Support_UnknownOptionError in UnknownOptionError.php
Thrown if an invalid option key is supplied
Class Support_UnknownResourceProviderError
Thrown when an attempt is made to access a resource from an unknown/unregistered provider.
Class Support_Util
Support_Util in Util.php
Shared utility functions for common tasks
Variable $template_dir
Variable $text
Text body
Variable $type
The MIME type of the attachment
Page TemplateProvider.php
TemplateProvider.php in TemplateProvider.php
Page TagHelper.php
TagHelper.php in TagHelper.php
Method tableize
Convert a class name to a table name
Method tableize_impl
Implementation for tableize
Method tag
Support_TagHelper::tag() in TagHelper.php
Output a non-content tag
Method template_engine
Get an instance of the template engine
Method timestamp
Return a formatted timestamp
Page UnknownClassError.php
UnknownClassError.php in UnknownClassError.php
Page UnknownOptionError.php
UnknownOptionError.php in UnknownOptionError.php
Page Util.php
Util.php in Util.php
Method underscore
Essentially the reverse of camelize. Converts a mixed case string to a lowercase underscore separated string of words.
Variable $variables
Method validate_options
Validate an options array against a set of permitted options. The
Method warn
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::warn() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log a warning message.
a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w _