Full index

Package indexes

a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w z _
Variable $accessible_attributes
Variable $action
Variable $action
Variable $add
Variable $allConnections
Variable $allowMultipleVersions
Variable $allowNull
Flag indicating whether nulls are allowed
Variable $allowNull
Flag indicating whether nulls are allowed
Variable $allowNull
Flag indicating whether nulls are allowed
Variable $allowNull
Flag indicating whether nulls are allowed
Variable $allowNull
Flag indicating whether nulls are allowed
Variable $any
Variable $archive
Variable $args
Variable $argument
Variable $arguments
Variable $argument_name
Variable $argument_type
Variable $associates
Variable $association
Variable $associationName
Variable $associations
Variable $attachments
Variable $attributes
Variable $attributes
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Variable $attrNames
List of attribute names to validate
Method abort
Abort a failed installation. Removes all files that were created and any directories that were created as long as they contain no files (after removing added files).
Method accessible_attributes
Return a list of all attributes which have been made accessible to mass assignment by passing them to attr_accessible (the list is always maintained in sorted order).
Method action
Accessor for this controller's action name
Page Association.php
Association.php in Association.php
Class ActiveRecord_Association
ActiveRecord_Association in Association.php
ActiveRecord_Association is the base class from which all association implementations inherit.
Class ActiveRecord_AssociationTypeMismatch
Thrown when an attempt is made to assign an invalid type to an association
Class ActiveRecord_Association_BelongsTo
Implements the belongs_to association
Class ActiveRecord_Association_BelongsToKeyValidation
A validation for the foreign key field on a belongs_to relationship
Class ActiveRecord_Association_Collection
The collection of associates in a has many association. In addition to the documented methods, the collection object may be treated as an array (iterated over, accessed with square brackets, etc.).
Class ActiveRecord_Association_HasMany
Implements the has_many association
Class ActiveRecord_Association_HasOne
Implements the has_one association
Class ActiveRecord_Base
ActiveRecord_Base in Base.php
An ActiveRecord implementation for PHP 5.
Class ActiveRecord_BoundsValidation
A validation to check that an attribute's string length is within a certain range.
Class ActiveRecord_Column
ActiveRecord_Column in Column.php
A class containing information about a table column.
Class ActiveRecord_ConfirmationValidation
A validation to check that a confirmation attribute for an
Class ActiveRecord_Connection
ActiveRecord_Connection in Connection.php
ActiveRecord_Connection extends PDO to provide some additional functionality required by ActiveRecord that may vary by database.
Class ActiveRecord_Connection_Default
Default implementation of ActiveRecord_Connection
Class ActiveRecord_Connection_Mysql
ActiveRecordConnection for MySQL
Class ActiveRecord_Connection_Provider
ActiveRecord implementation of Support_Resources_DBProvider. This differs from the default implementation only in that it returns an instance of ActiveRecord_Connection instead of a plain PDO instance.
Class ActiveRecord_Connection_Sqlite
ActiveRecord_Connection for SQLite
Class ActiveRecord_Error
ActiveRecord_Error in Base.php
Base class for ActiveRecord exceptions
Class ActiveRecord_Errors
ActiveRecord_Errors in Errors.php
Errors collection class for ActiveRecord. Every ActiveRecord instance has a corresponding ActiveRecord_Errors instance, even if no errors exist for the object.
Class ActiveRecord_IncorrectArgumentCountError
Thrown if a call is make with an incorrect number of arguments
Class ActiveRecord_InfoMgr
ActiveRecord_InfoMgr in InfoMgr.php
ActiveRecord_InfoMgr is a helper class to manage meta information for active record classes. This allows information such as column mappings, associations, etc. to be gathered once per class and shared between instances.
Class ActiveRecord_Invalid
Thrown if a record could not be saved to the database due to validation.
Class ActiveRecord_MetaInfo
ActiveRecord_MetaInfo is a structure to hold meta information for
Class ActiveRecord_NotFoundError
Thrown if a required record was not found
Class ActiveRecord_NotSaved
Thrown if a record could not be successfully saved to the database.
Class ActiveRecord_NumericValidation
A validation to check that an attribute's value is numeric.
Class ActiveRecord_PresentValidation
A validation to check that an attribute is non-empty (as determined by the PHP function empty()).
Class ActiveRecord_Proxy
ActiveRecord_Proxy in Proxy.php
ActiveRecord_Proxy allows for limited access to some protected methods of an ActiveRecord object. See ActiveRecord_Base::add_method_proxy() for more information.
Class ActiveRecord_ProxyMethod
ActiveRecord_ProxyMethod in ProxyMethod.php
ActiveRecord_ProxyMethod encapsulates a proxied method for an ActiveRecord object. See ActiveRecord_Base::add_method_proxy() for more information.
Class ActiveRecord_ReadOnlyRecord
Thrown if an attempt is made to save a read-only record
Class ActiveRecord_RegExValidation
A validation to check that an attribute's value conforms to a regular expression.
Class ActiveRecord_SequencesNotSupportedError
Indicates an attempt to use a sequence on a connection that does not support them.
Class ActiveRecord_SetValidation
ActiveRecord_SetValidation in Validation.php
A validation to check that an attribute's value is contained in a specified list.
Class ActiveRecord_SubclassNotFound
Thrown if a required subclass could not be found
Class ActiveRecord_UniqueValidation
A validation to check that an attribute's value is unique.
Class ActiveRecord_UnknownAssociationError
Thrown if a reference is made to a non-existent association
Class ActiveRecord_UnknownMethodError
Thrown if an attempt is made to access a non-existent method
Class ActiveRecord_UnknownOptionError
Thrown if an invalid option key is supplied
Class ActiveRecord_UnknownPropertyError
Thrown if an attempt is made to access a non-existent property
Class ActiveRecord_Validation
ActiveRecord_Validation in Validation.php
ActiveRecord_Validation is an interface for objects that can perform validations on an ActiveRecord instance. One instance of an ActiveRecord_Validation may have validate invoked for multiple ActiveRecord instances.
Method add
Add a package to the project.
Method add
Add (install) a new wrapped package to the repository
Method add
Add an error message to the named attribute. Multiple error message may be associated with a single attribute. If no message is provided, the message "is invalid" is used.
Method addLimit
Append a LIMIT clause to a SQL statement
Method addLimit
Append a LIMIT clause to a SQL statement
Method addLimit
Append a LIMIT clause to a SQL statement
Method add_associate
Add an associated object to this object's collection. This method handles database updates and foreign keys. It does not directly affect the contents of an association collection object.
Method add_attachment
Add an attachment
Method add_commands_by_glob
Adds command classes given a base directory relative to CRITICALI_ROOT and a file globbing pattern.
Method add_conditions
Add conditions fragment to a SQL statement
Method add_configured_routes
Loads configured routing information.
Method add_dependency_item
Add an item to the dependency list
Method add_event_listener
Add an event listener to this class.
Method add_event_listener
Add an event listener to this class.
Method add_init_file
Add a file to the list in the init_files property. This method also prevents files from being added to the list more than once.
Method add_joins
Add join fragment to a SQL statement
Method add_legacy_configured_routes
Add any route information specified through legacy configuration
Method add_legacy_default_routes
Add the default routes that were previously assumed
Method add_limit
Add limit information to the SQL statement
Method add_list
Return the list of packages to add
Method add_method_proxy
Define a proxy for a method name.
Method add_method_proxy
Calls add_proxy_method on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method add_on_boundary_breaking
Conditionally adds an error message to the list of supplied
Method add_on_empty
Conditionally adds an error message to the list of supplied attributes when the attribute values are empty (determined by the PHP function empty()). If no error message is provided, the message "is required" is used.
Method add_order
Add order by fragment to a SQL statement
Method add_package
Add the package version to the add list
Method add_package_to_autoloader
Convenience method for including a given package and its dependencies in the runtime autoload directory list. The package must be installed for this to work (otherwise an exception will result).
Method add_remote
Add a remote that provides the package to the list
Method add_route
Add a route
Method add_row
Add a row of data to the table
Method add_to_base
Add an error message that pertains to the base object as opposed to a particular attribute on the object.
Method add_to_version_list
Add a version to a version list string and maintain sort order
Method add_to_width
Update width statistics with information from a cell
Method add_validation
Add a validation to the class
Method add_version
Add a version to this collection
Method add_version_to_packages_file
Update the installation list file with a single added package directory
Method after_create
Check the associates to make sure they have been saved
Method after_create
Check the associate to make sure it has been saved
Method after_create
Register a method on this class to be called after a save operation is performed for a new record.
Method after_destroy
Register a method on this class to be called after the record is destroyed.
Method after_filter
Register a method on this class to be called before any request is processed.
Method after_save
Register a method on this class to be called after any save operation is performed.
Method after_save
Check the associate to make sure it has been saved
Method after_save
Check the associates to make sure they have been saved
Method after_update
Register a method on this class to be called after a save operation is performed for a record being updated (non-new record).
Method after_validation
Register a method on this class to be called after any validation operation is performed.
Method after_validation_on_create
Register a method on this class to be called after a validation operation is performed for a new record.
Method after_validation_on_update
Register a method on this class to be called after a validation operation is performed for a record being updated (non-new record).
Method all
Return all properties as an associative array
Method allowed_action
Determine if an method can allowably be invoked as an action
Method apportion_width
Determines column width when it is constrained
Method arguments
Return the arguments that remain after processing
Method assemble_alternative
Assembles an alternative body
Method assemble_body
Assemble and return the body
Method assemble_finder_options
Create an options parameter for passing to a find_* method using the output from create_finder_attribute_hash
Method assemble_header
Assemble and return the header
Method assemble_mixed
Assembles a mixed body with an alternative one inside
Method assert_zip_exists
Throws an exception if this version of PHP does not have the right
Method assign
Assign a variable to be available to any template processed by this engine
Method assign_expr
Returns an assignment expression for a given array of keys to use in the output file.
Method assign_template_vars
Assigns all public properties of the class as local variables in the template
Method associates
Returns the array of associate objects
Method attributes
Returns this object's attributes as an associative array.
Method attributes_for_set
Return the list of column names and attribute values for use in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. The primary key column is excluded.
Method attributes_from_column_definition
Return an associative array of attributes representing the default values for the fields on this class's table. The array keys are the field names and the values are the default values.
Method attributes_protected_by_default
Return a list of attributes which are never permitted in mass-assignment. The returned list must be sorted. By default, the returned list include the primary key and inheritance column.
Method attribute_names
Returns an array of names for the attributes available on this object. The returned list is sorted alphabetically.
Method attribute_present
Returns true if the named attribute exists for this object and has a non-empty value (not null, false, 0, the empty string, or any empty array).
Method attr_accessible
Accepts the names of one or more attributes which are allowed to
Method attr_protected
Accepts the names of one or more attributes which are protected from mass assignment in this class (assignment through the constructor, create method, set_attributes method, etc.).
Method authenticity_token
Return the current session's request token
Page Apc.php
Apc.php in Apc.php
Page ArrayHelper.php
ArrayHelper.php in ArrayHelper.php
Page Attachment.php
Attachment.php in Attachment.php
Variable $base
The object we belong to
Variable $boundary
MIME boundary
Page BelongsTo.php
BelongsTo.php in BelongsTo.php
Page Base.php
Base.php in Base.php
Method base_class_name
Traverses the list of this class's parents to return the oldest ancestor which is not abstract (this is for single table inheritance since inherited classes uses the base class's table.
Method batch_save
Write a collection of properties to the repository
Method before_create
Register a method on this class to be called before a save operation is performed for a new record.
Method before_destroy
Register a method on this class to be called before the record is destroyed.
Method before_filter
Register a method on this class to be called before any request is processed. If the method that is called returns false, all processing of the request is stopped.
Method before_save
Check the associate to make sure it has been saved
Method before_save
Register a method on this class to be called before any save operation is performed.
Method before_update
Register a method on this class to be called before a save operation is performed for a record being updated (non-new record).
Method before_validation
Register a method on this class to be called before any validation operation is performed.
Method before_validation_on_create
Register a method on this class to be called before a validation operation is performed for a new record.
Method before_validation_on_update
Register a method on this class to be called before a validation operation is performed for a record being updated (non-new record).
Method belongs_to
Specifies a one to one association with another class where the foreign key resides in this class.
Method build
Construct a new associate from a set of attributes and add it to the collection.
Method build_associate
Build a new associated object from an associative array of attributes and assign it to the object
Method build_associate
Build a new associated object from an associative array of attributes and assign it to the object. This method handles database updates and foreign keys. It does not directly affect the contents of an association collection object.
Method build_associate
Build a new associated object from an associative array of attributes and assign it to the object
Method build_columns
Build the columns for formatting the table
Method build_fixture_sql
Builds the INSERT SQL statement for a set of fixture data
Method build_regex
Build the regular expression for matching URLs
Page block.cache.php
block.cache.php in block.cache.php
Page Base.php
Base.php in Base.php
Page Builder.php
Builder.php in Builder.php
Page Base.php
Base.php in Base.php
Variable $cache
Variable $cache
Variable $cache
Associative array containing meta information keyed by class name
Variable $cached_attributes
A collection of cached attribute values
Variable $cached_attributes
Variable $cached_models
Variable $cacheStore
Variable $cacheStore
Variable $callback
Variable $callback
Variable $capabilities
Variable $caseInsenstive
Flag indicating case sensitivity
Variable $className
Support_UnknownClassError::$className in UnknownClassError.php
Variable $class_name
Variable $class_name
Variable $class_name
Variable $class_name
Variable $columns
Variable $columns_hash
Variable $column_names
Variable $commands
Variable $condition
Optional condition method for determining whether or not to run
Variable $configWriter
Variable $connection
Variable $connection
Variable $connection
Variable $connection
Variable $connection
Variable $constraints
Variable $content_columns
Variable $count
Variable $creation_options
List of valid options for creation
Variable $creation_options
List of valid options for creation
Variable $creation_options
List of valid options for creation
Page Collection.php
Collection.php in Collection.php
Page Column.php
Column.php in Column.php
Page Connection.php
Connection.php in Connection.php
Method cache
Get a cache store
Method caches_action
Enable caching for one or more actions on this controller. Accepts one or more action names as parameters or an array of action names.
Method cache_directory
Returns the name of the cache directory to use for a given set of options
Class Cache_Engine
Cache_Engine in Engine.php
Cache_Engine defines the interface that cache implementations must conform to.
Class Cache_Engine_Apc
Cache_Engine_Apc in Apc.php
The APC cache engine. This engine requires the APC extension to be installed. Items stored with the APC engine use the APC-provided variable cache mechanism for storage.
Class Cache_Engine_Apc_Item
The key object for the apc cache engine.
Class Cache_Engine_File
Cache_Engine_File in File.php
The file system cache engine. Items stored in the file system cache are each stored in separate files and persist between requests. They are dependent on the default expiration mechanism of Cache_Store to clean up unused files.
Class Cache_Engine_File_Item
The key object for the file cache engine.
Class Cache_Engine_Memcache
Cache_Engine_Memcache in Memcache.php
The memcache cache engine. This engine requires the Memcache extension to be installed. Items stored with the memcache engine use memcached for storage.
Class Cache_Engine_Memcache_Item
The key object for the memcache cache engine.
Class Cache_Engine_Memory
Cache_Engine_Memory in Memory.php
The in-memory cache engine. Items stored in the in-memory cache are lost at the end of the current request.
Class Cache_Engine_Memory_Item
The key object for the memory cache engine.
Method cache_file_path
Returns the full cache file path for a given set of options and keys
Class Cache_ItemBase
Cache_ItemBase in ItemBase.php
Cache_ItemBase is an abstract class for implementing the key object that must be returned by implementors of the Cache_Engine interface. It provides methods for working with the value associated with its key.
Method cache_options
Return the cache options to use when caching an action
Class Cache_Provider
Cache_Provider in Provider.php
A cache store provider for use with Support_Resources
Class Cache_Store
Cache_Store in Store.php
Cache_Store provides the public interface for working with the cache system. Internally it uses one or more engines to service requests.
Class Cache_UnsupportedEngineError
Cache_UnsupportedEngineError in UnsupportedEngineError.php
Indicates a request for an unsupported cache engine
Method calculate_column_width
Calculate the width to use for a set of columns
Method camelize
Convert space or underscore separated words to a single mixed case name. For example, table_name becomes TableName. If $firstWordUpper is false, the first word is not converted to upper case (table_name would become tableName).
Method canonify_version
Utility function to return the canonical three-part version number
Method canonify_version_specification
Returns a comparable version spec object given a version dependency string. See CriticalI_Package::satisify_dependency for formation information.
Method can_call
Class Cfg
Cfg in Cfg.php
A class for accessing application-level configuration information.
Method className
Accessor for the class name
Method class_name
Convert a path into the class name that should be contained within the file
Method class_name
Return the class name for this association
Method class_name
Return the class name for this migration.
Method class_name
Turn a table name back into a class name. This follows the reverse rules of the table_name method. So, for example, "my_objects" becomes "MyObject".
Method clean
Strip non-printable characters from a value
Method cleanup
Called automatically on shutdown to clean up after the lock file.
Method cleanup
Clean up locks at shutdown
Method clean_name
Return a cleaned version of this packages name with spaces and special characters removed.
Method clean_root_directory
Return a cleaned version of the global variable $CRITICALI_ROOT for
Method clear
Cache_Engine::clear() in Engine.php
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Clear all errors from the collection.
Method clear
Remove all data from the cache.
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Clear all associates from the collection
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Forces CriticalI_Package_List to skip loading of packages and present an empty list for subsequent class to get.
Method clear
Remove all items from the cache.
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method clear
Clear all items from the cache
Method columns
Return an array of ActiveRecordColumn objects for the named table.
Method columns
Return an array of ActiveRecord_Column objects for the table associated with this class.
Method columns
Return an array of ActiveRecord_Column objects for the named table.
Method columns
Return an array of ActiveRecord_Column objects for the named table.
Method columns_for_insert
Return the list of all attribute names prepared for use in an insert statement
Method columns_hash
Returns an associative array of column objects keyed by column name for the table associated with this class.
Method column_for_attribute
Returns the column object for the named attribute
Method column_names
Returns an array of column names as strings.
Method commandVersions
Return the list of package versions that declare commands
Class Constant COMMAND_GLOB
Method compare
Compares this segment to another segment.
Method compare
Compares this segment to another segment.
Method compare
Compares this segment to another segment.
Method compare
Compares this segment to another segment.
Method compare
Compares this segment to another segment.
Method compare_versions
Comparison function for sorting Version objects
Method compare_version_arrays
Comparison function for sorting canonified version arrays
Method compare_version_number
Compares a canonified version array to this version. Returns -1, 0, or -1 when this version is less than, equal, or greater than the supplied version, respectively.
Method compare_version_specification
Compares a canonified version dependency specification to this version. Returns -1, 0, or -1 when this version is less than, within, or greater than the specified range, respectively.
Method compare_version_strings
Comparison function for sorting version strings
Method conditionally_remove
Conditionally removes an item based on it being unchanged
Method config_data
Get the array of application configuration data
Method connect
Connect to the mail server
Method connect
Connect to the database
Method connect
Connect to the database
Method connection
Return the database connection
Method connection
Return the database connection
Method connection
Return the database connection
Method connection
Return the database connection for this class
Method constraints
Return this route's constraints
Method construct_list
Build the list of packages from our Project
Method construct_list
Build the list of packages from our remotes
Method content_columns
Returns an array of column objects suitable for direct editing
Method content_tag
Output a content tag
Page ControllerSegment.php
ControllerSegment.php in ControllerSegment.php
Class Controller_Base
Controller_Base in Base.php
Controller_Base is an abstract base class for implementing controllers.
Class Controller_Base_CachedActionInfo
Class for cached action configuration
Class Controller_Base_EventListener
Class for event listener information
Method controller_class
Convert a controller parameter value to a class name
Method controller_for
Return the controller for a given URL
Class Controller_ForgeryProtection
Controller_ForgeryProtection in ForgeryProtection.php
Utilities for protection against cross site request forgeries.
Class Controller_Hook_ProjectInstall
Controller_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the controller package
Method controller_name
Returns the name of the controller. For ExampleController this returns 'example'.
Method controller_name
Convert a class name to a controller parameter value
Class Controller_Routing
Controller_Routing in Routing.php
Handles simple routing rules for dispatching requests to controllers.
Class Controller_Routing_Builder
Controller_Routing_Builder is used as a convenient way to add routes to the system.
Class Controller_Routing_ControllerSegment
Controller_Routing_ControllerSegment in ControllerSegment.php
A routing segment that matches a controller name in the URL.
Class Controller_Routing_DynamicSegment
Controller_Routing_DynamicSegment in DynamicSegment.php
A routing segment that matches a URL based on a simple pattern with embedded parameter names.
Class Controller_Routing_RegExSegment
A routing segment that matches a URL based on a regular expression.
Class Controller_Routing_Route
Represents a complete route in the system. A route is comprised of one or more segments.
Class Controller_Routing_Segment
Represents a segment of a route. A segment is a list of rules for matching a portion of a route. A collection of one or more segments comprise a route.
Class Controller_Routing_StaticSegment
A routing segment that matches a URL based on straight string comparison.
Method copy
Copy a file into the project. Creates any needed directories. If a
Page command_autoloader.php
command_autoloader.php in command_autoloader.php
Page ClassUtils.php
ClassUtils.php in ClassUtils.php
Page Command.php
Command.php in Command.php
Page ConfigFile.php
ConfigFile.php in ConfigFile.php
Page ConfigFileError.php
ConfigFileError.php in ConfigFileError.php
Page ChangePlanner.php
ChangePlanner.php in ChangePlanner.php
Page ConfigFileWriter.php
ConfigFileWriter.php in ConfigFileWriter.php
Method count
Return the count of versions of this package
Method count
Returns a count of records matching the provided criteria.
Method count
Returns the number of associated objects in the collection (same as size())
Method count_associates
Called by the collection object to count the associated objects without loading them.
Method count_by_sql
Returns the result of an SQL statement that should only include a COUNT(*) -- or equivalent -- in the SELECT clause.
Method create
Create and save (validation permitting) an object. The newly created object is returned. If validation fails, the unsaved object is still returned.
Method create
Factory method for accessing the configured engine
Method create
Factory-type method for creating a new ActiveRecord_Connection (this must be used instead of constructing a new instance).
Method create
Utility for creating a new Wrapper from a package version
Method create
Construct a new associate and save it (validation permitting) from a set of attributes and add it to the collection.
Method create_associate
Create and save a new associated object from an associative array of attributes and assign it to the object
Method create_associate
Create and save a new associated object from an associative array of attributes and assign it to the object. This method handles database updates and foreign keys. It does not directly affect the contents of an association collection object.
Method create_associate
Create and save a new associated object from an associative array of attributes and assign it to the object
Method create_finder_attribute_hash
Extract attribute names from an "_and_" separated string and construct an associative array using a corresponding array of arguments.
Method create_lock_file
Called internally to create the lock file
Method create_migration_table
Create the migration table
Method create_or_fail
Like create, but calls save_or_fail, so if validation fails, an exception is thrown.
Method create_or_update
Handles performing the correct save operation for the object.
Method create_record
Create a new record in the database for this object
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_HasDependentError
Indicates a proposed change cannot be made due to unfulfilled dependencies.
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_InvalidUpgradeError
Indicates an attempt to operate on an unknown/uninstalled package
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_NotInstalledError
Indicates an attempt to operate on an unknown/uninstalled package
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_Plan
A Plan represents a planned set of Package_Version changes for a repository or project.
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_Planner
A Planner is used to construct a CriticalI_ChangeManager_Plan for making changes to a repository or project.
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_PlanRequirement
Used internally to model requirements
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_RepositoryPlanner
A CriticalI_ChangeManager_Planner specifically for planning changes to
Class CriticalI_ChangeManager_ResolutionError
Indicates a set of packages and correct dependencies could not be resolved from the available set. This is due either to missing packages or conflicts.
Class CriticalI_ClassUtils
CriticalI_ClassUtils in ClassUtils.php
Utilities for working with classes and files containing them
Class CriticalI_Command
CriticalI_Command in Command.php
A CriticalI_Command implements a command that can be used with the command-line criticali utility. This is the base class which all implemented commands must extend.
Class CriticalI_Command_List
CriticalI_Command_List is the collection of installed packages. It is a
Class CriticalI_Command_ProjectEnvironment
CriticalI_Command_ProjectEnvironment in ProjectEnvironment.php
A base class for writing commands that must run within a project's environment (as opposed to just within the repository environment).
Class CriticalI_Command_TableFormatter
CriticalI_Command_TableFormatter in TableFormatter.php
Formats information in an ASCII table for output by command line utilities.
Class CriticalI_Command_TableFormatter_Column
Internal class used by CriticalI_Command_TableFormatter to represent a
Class CriticalI_ConfigFile
CriticalI_ConfigFile in ConfigFile.php
Utilities for working with config files used by criticali.
Class CriticalI_ConfigFileError
CriticalI_ConfigFileError in ConfigFileError.php
Indicates an exception generated by a ConfigFile operation.
Class CriticalI_ConfigFileReadError
Indicates a config file could not be successfully read
Class CriticalI_ConfigFileVersionError
Indicates a config file specified an incorrect version
Class CriticalI_ConfigFileWriteError
Indicates a config file could not be successfully written
Class CriticalI_DBTestCase
CriticalI_DBTestCase in DBTestCase.php
The DBTestCase class exists as a convenience for writing test cases
Class CriticalI_Defaults
CriticalI_Defaults in Defaults.php
A collection of built-in default values which are shared between classes.
Class CriticalI_Globber
CriticalI_Globber in Globber.php
A utility for searching the file system for filenames matching a
Class CriticalI_Hook_Install
CriticalI_Hook_Install in Install.php
Repository install hook for criticali.
Class CriticalI_InstallHook
CriticalI_InstallHook in InstallHook.php
The interface that must be implemented by a repository install hook.
Class CriticalI_InvalidOptionArgumentError
Exception thrown for invalid argument provided
Class CriticalI_MissingOptionArgumentError
Exception thrown for missing argument
Class CriticalI_MissingPackageError
CriticalI_MissingPackageError in MissingPackageError.php
Indicates a required package could not be found
Class CriticalI_MissingPackageVersionError
CriticalI_MissingPackageVersionError in MissingPackageVersionError.php
Indicates a required package version could not be found
Class CriticalI_Option
CriticalI_Option in Options.php
An processed command line option
Class CriticalI_Options
CriticalI_Options in Options.php
Processes command line options.
Class CriticalI_OptionSpec
CriticalI_OptionSpec in OptionSpec.php
Specification for a command line option
Class CriticalI_Package
CriticalI_Package in Package.php
A Package is a collection of one or more installed package versions.
Class CriticalI_Package_Directory
A package directory represents an uninstalled directory for a package.
Class CriticalI_Package_List
CriticalI_Package_List is the collection of installed packages. It is a
Class CriticalI_Package_StatusListener
CriticalI_Package_StatusListener in StatusListener.php
Receives informational messages from a package-related operation on
Class CriticalI_Package_Version
A Version is the most granular form of a package. It represents a single installed version.
Class CriticalI_Package_VersionSpec
Internally used to represent a parsed version dependency specification
Class CriticalI_Package_Wrapper
A Wrapper contains an archived package version.
Class CriticalI_Package_ZipError
Indicates a zip file related error
Class CriticalI_Project
CriticalI_Project in Project.php
Represents a project directory set up for managing with criticali.
Class CriticalI_Project_ChangePlanner
CriticalI_Project_ChangePlanner in ChangePlanner.php
A CriticalI_ChangeManager_Planner specifically for planning changes to
Class CriticalI_Project_ConfigFileWriter
CriticalI_Project_ConfigFileWriter in ConfigFileWriter.php
Handles writing new default values to a config.php file
Class CriticalI_Project_InstallHook
The interface that must be implemented by a project install hook.
Class CriticalI_Project_InstallOperation
CriticalI_Project_InstallOperation in InstallOperation.php
Utilities for tracking and performing install operations for a given package in a project.
Class CriticalI_Project_Manager
Class CriticalI_Project_NotInstalledError
CriticalI_Project_NotInstalledError in NotInstalledError.php
Thrown if a removal fails due to the package not being installed.
Class CriticalI_Project_Package
CriticalI_Project_Package is a CriticalI_Package that has been installed within a project.
Class CriticalI_Project_PackageList
CriticalI_Project_PackageList is the collection of installed packages
Class CriticalI_Project_PackageVersion
CriticalI_Project_PackageVersion in PackageVersion.php
CriticalI_Project_PackageVersion is a CriticalI_Package_Version that has been installed within a project.
Class CriticalI_Project_StatusListener
CriticalI_Project_StatusListener in StatusListener.php
Receives informational messages from a project operation
Class CriticalI_Project_UninstallHook
CriticalI_Project_UninstallHook in UninstallHook.php
The interface that must be implemented by a project uninstall hook.
Class CriticalI_Property
CriticalI_Property in Property.php
CriticalI_Property is a class for working with user-level properties defined within the repository.
Class CriticalI_Remote_Package
CriticalI_Remote_Package is a collection of CriticalI_Package versions available from one or more remote repository.
Class CriticalI_Remote_PackageList
CriticalI_Remote_PackageList in PackageList.php
CriticalI_Remote_PackageList is the collection of available packages
Class CriticalI_Remote_PackageVersion
CriticalI_Remote_PackageVersion in PackageVersion.php
CriticalI_Remote_PackageVersion is a CriticalI_Package_Version that is available from one or more remote repositories.
Class CriticalI_Remote_Repository
CriticalI_Remote_Repository in Repository.php
CriticalI_Remote_Repository is used to interact with a remote collection of packages available for installation.
Class CriticalI_RepositoryLock
CriticalI_RepositoryLock in RepositoryLock.php
Interface for acquiring locks for accessing or modifying the repository.
Class CriticalI_TestCase
CriticalI_TestCase in TestCase.php
This class exists as a convenience for writing PHPUnit tests for the
Class CriticalI_UninstallHook
CriticalI_UninstallHook in UninstallHook.php
The interface that must be implemented by a repository uninstall hook.
Class CriticalI_UnknownOptionError
Exception thrown for unknown/unsupported options
Class CriticalI_UnknownPackageError
CriticalI_UnknownPackageError in UnknownPackageError.php
Indicates an attempt to operate on an unknown/uninstalled package
Class CriticalI_UnknownPackageVersionError
CriticalI_UnknownPackageVersionError in UnknownPackageVersionError.php
Indicates an attempt to operate on an unknown/uninstalled package
Class CriticalI_UsageError
CriticalI_UsageError in UsageError.php
General usage exceptions
Class CriticalI_Util
CriticalI_Util in Util.php
A generic collection of utilities used by multiple classes.
Page Cfg.php
Cfg.php in Cfg.php
Page CacheProvider.php
CacheProvider.php in CacheProvider.php
Page ConfigProvider.php
ConfigProvider.php in ConfigProvider.php
Variable $data
Cfg::$data in Cfg.php
Variable $data
The data or path/filename of the attachment data
Variable $data
Variable $data_is_path
A flag that, when true, indicates $data contains a path and not actual data
Variable $default
The default value
Variable $defaultRemotes
Variable $defaults
Variable $dependencies
Variable $description
Variable $description
Variable $directory
Variable $directory
Variable $directory
Variable $directory
Variable $directory
Page Default.php
Default.php in Default.php
Page DynamicSegment.php
DynamicSegment.php in DynamicSegment.php
Page DBTestCase.php
DBTestCase.php in DBTestCase.php
Page Defaults.php
Defaults.php in Defaults.php
Page Directory.php
Directory.php in Directory.php
Method data
Send message data
Method db_connection
Get a database connection
Method debug
Debug-level message
Method debug
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::debug() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log a debug message.
Method debug
Debug-level message
Method debug_status
Send a debug-level status message
Method decrement
Subtracts one from the value of the named attribute. If the attribute is null, it is first initialized to zero before subtracting one.
Method decrement_and_save
Decrements the named attribute and saves the object.
Method decrement_counter
Similar to increment_counter, but decrements the specified counter instead.
Method defaults
Return this route's default parameters
Method defaultSequenceName
Return the sequence name that would be used to generated the
Method defaultSequenceName
Return the sequence name that would be used to generated the
Method default_error_handler
Passes on the actual error to the previous handler or to the default handler
Method default_remotes
Return the default list of remote repositories
Method default_value
Return the default value for the column
Method delete
Deletes the record with the given id (or records with the given
Method delete
Remove the associate from the collection
Method delete_all
Destroys all records that match the given conditions. The
Method delete_all_and_remove_directory
Equivalent to performing "rm -rf" on a directory
Method delete_cached_attribute
Calls delete_cached_attribute on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method delete_cached_attribute
delete_cached_attribute removes a temporary value previously set with write_cached_attribute
Method delete_properties
Remove a collection of properties from the repository
Method deliver_mail
Deliver a multipart/alternative email
Method dependency_string
Return the dependency string for installation
Method destroy
Delete the record from the database
Method destroy_all
Destroys the objects for a set of records that match the given
Method directory
Returns the project's directory
Method directory
Return the directory being examined
Method directory_entry_count
Count the number of entries in a directory (not counting self and parent)
Method directory_entry_count
Count the number of entries in a directory (not counting self and parent)
Method disconnect
Close the connection
Method display
Output a template
Method down
Undo this migration.
Method do_include
Implements the 'include' behavior for a find operation
Method do_include
Implements the 'include' behavior for a find operation
Method do_include
Implements the 'include' behavior for a find operation
Method do_include
Implements the 'include' behavior for a find operation
Page DBProvider.php
DBProvider.php in DBProvider.php
Page DefaultCacheProvider.php
DefaultCacheProvider.php in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Page DefaultConfigProvider.php
DefaultConfigProvider.php in DefaultConfigProvider.php
Page DefaultDBProvider.php
DefaultDBProvider.php in DefaultDBProvider.php
Page DefaultLoggerProvider.php
DefaultLoggerProvider.php in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Page DefaultTemplateProvider.php
DefaultTemplateProvider.php in DefaultTemplateProvider.php
Variable $end
Variable $engine
Variable $engine
Variable $engine
Variable $engines
Variable $entry
Variable $errors
Error messages keyed by attribute
Variable $errors
Any errors that apply to this object
Variable $errors
Variable $event
Variable $event_listeners
Variable $event_listeners
Variable $exact
Variable $except
Variable $expectedArgumentCount
Page Errors.php
Errors.php in Errors.php
Page Engine.php
Engine.php in Engine.php
Method engine
Return the engine specified in the options.
Method ensure_config_file_exists
Create a config file on the fly if default properties are requested
Method ensure_proper_type
Sets the inheritance column value for this object if needed.
Method error
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::error() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log an error message.
Method errors
Return the errors collection for this object
Method error_route
Returns the controller to be used for a given error status code. If no controller can be found for the request, it forcibly exits.
Method escape_file_character
Escape a value for use in a filename
Method eval_requirements
Evaluate the requirements of a plan by adding packages to meet the requirements.
Method eval_upgrade
Evaluate an upgrade request for a set of packages.
Method exclude_sorted
Returns a new array containing all elements from source except any that are also present in exclude. Both input arrays must be sorted.
Method execute
Execute the command
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Test for the existence of key in the cache.
Method exists
Test for the existence of a property
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Cache_ItemBase::exists() in ItemBase.php
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method exists
Cfg::exists() in Cfg.php
Test for the existence of a key in the configuration.
Method exists
Test for the existence of key in the cache.
Method exists
Accepts an id or set of conditions and returns true if a
Method exists
Similar to ActiveRecord_Base::exists(), but limited to items within this collection.
Method exists
Test for the existence of the key in the cache. Return true if it exists, false otherwise.
Method expand_raw_value
Handles {...} expansion in values
Method expire
Remove key and its data from the cache.
Method expire
Remove key and its data from the cache.
Method expire_action
Expire a cached action. Defaults to the current action.
Method expire_fragment
Expire a cached fragment. Defaults to the current action and a null fragment name.
Method expire_value
Returns the expire time value to use for calls to memcache
Method extract_limit
Retrieve the size limit from a raw SQL type
Method extract_precision
Retrieve the precision (for decimal types) from a raw SQL type
Method extract_scale
Retrieve the scale (for decimal types) from a raw SQL type
Page ErrorLogger.php
ErrorLogger.php in ErrorLogger.php
Page Engine.php
Engine.php in Engine.php
Variable $fileHandle
Variable $filename
Variable $filename
Migration_InvalidMigrationError::$filename in InvalidMigrationError.php
Variable $filesAdded
Variable $fixtures
Variable $fixturesCached
Variable $flash
Variable $foreign_key
Variable $foreign_key
Variable $for_class
Declaring class
Page File.php
File.php in File.php
Page ForgeryProtection.php
ForgeryProtection.php in ForgeryProtection.php
Page function.url_for.php
function.url_for.php in function.url_for.php
Method fatal
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::fatal() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log a fatal error message.
Method fetch
Return a processed template as a string
Method fetch_package
Fetches the named package version from the remote and stores it at the provided location.
Method fetch_to
Fetches this package version from one of our available remotes.
Method file_list
Return the set of files added during the installation
Method file_name
Convert a class name into the path and file that should contain it
Method find
Find one or more records with the specified id(s). This function accepts one or more ids as it's argument. If an array is passed, it is assumed to be a list of ids.
Method find
Similar to ActiveRecord_Base::find(), but limited to items within this collection.
Method find_all
Retrieve all records matching the provided criteria.
Method find_all
Similar to ActiveRecord_Base::find_all(), but limited to items within this collection.
Method find_all
Similar to ActiveRecord_Base::find_all(), but limited to items within this collection.
Method find_by_sql
Retrieve records by a raw SQL statement instead of through the normal find helper methods.
Method find_first
Similar to ActiveRecord_Base::find_first(), but limited to items within this collection.
Method find_first
Retrieve the first record matching the provided criteria.
Method find_key
Cfg::find_key() in Cfg.php
Locate the named key in the configuration.
Method find_matching_versions
Searches the list of packages to assemble a collection of Versions from an array of specs.
Method find_option_spec
Located the option spec for a named option
Method fire_event
Notifies any registered event listeners
Method fire_event
Notifies any registered event listeners
Method first_segment
Return this route's first segment
Method fixture
Return the data for a named fixture
Method flash
Return a flash message
Method foreign_key
Return the foreign key name for this association
Method format
Format a cell and return the results as an array of lines
Method format_row
Format an individual row of data for output
Method form_authenticity_token
Returns the current authenticity token to use in forms in conjunction with the protect_from_forgery() filter.
Method full_messages
Return the collection of all full error messages.
Page function.checkbox.php
function.checkbox.php in function.checkbox.php
Page function.controller_action_id.php
function.controller_action_id.php in function.controller_action_id.php
Page function.errors.php
function.errors.php in function.errors.php
Page function.include_text.php
function.include_text.php in function.include_text.php
Page function.message_area.php
function.message_area.php in function.message_area.php
Page function.p.php
function.p.php in function.p.php
Page function.password_field.php
function.password_field.php in function.password_field.php
Page function.radio_button.php
function.radio_button.php in function.radio_button.php
Page function.repeat.php
function.repeat.php in function.repeat.php
Page function.section_link.php
function.section_link.php in function.section_link.php
Page function.sort_link.php
function.sort_link.php in function.sort_link.php
Page function.text_area.php
function.text_area.php in function.text_area.php
Page function.text_field.php
function.text_field.php in function.text_field.php
Page function.week_options.php
function.week_options.php in function.week_options.php
Variable $globalOptions
Page Globber.php
Globber.php in Globber.php
Method get
Return an instance of a database connection.
Method get
Return a logger instance for the given name.
Method get
Cache_Provider::get() in Provider.php
Return a cache store instance.
Method get
Return a logger instance for the given name.
Method get
Returns the shared list instance
Method get
Return a template engine instance.
Method get
Return a template engine instance.
Method get
Get the value of a property
Method get
Return a logger instance for the given name.
Method get
Return the application configuration data.
Method get
Returns the shared list instance
Method get
Return an instance of a database connection.
Method get
Cfg::get() in Cfg.php
Returns the value of the given key in the configuration. If they key does not exist, any default value provided is returned instead (or NULL if none is provided).
Method get
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore::get() in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Return the value for key.
Method get
Return the value of a property. If the value is not set on this instance, it will call get() on any parent object specified.
Method get
Return an instance of a template engine
Method get
Return an interface to a cache store.
Method get
Return a cache store instance.
Method get
Return an instance of a database connection.
Method get
Return the array of application configuration data.
Method get
Cache_Store::get() in Store.php
Return the value for key.
Method getArchiveName
Return the name of the archive where the error occurred
Method getEntryName
Return the name of the entry that caused the error
Method getInstance
Return the shared class instance
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the options list
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the package list
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the versions list
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the package list
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the command list
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the command list
Method getIterator
Returns an iterator for this collections objects
Method getIterator
Return an iterator for the package list
Method getLine
Read and return a line from the socket
Method getResponse
Get a reponse from the server
Method get_associate
Accessor method for the associated object
Method get_associate
Accessor method for the associated object
Method get_associates
Accessor method for the associated objects
Method get_associate_ids
Accessor method for the associated object ids
Method get_association
Return the named association from the collection. If no such association exists on this instance, it will call get_association() on any parent object specified.
Method get_connection_options
Return host and port connection values for a given set of options
Method get_memcache
Returns the Memcache instance for a given set of options
Method get_meta_info
Return the class information object
Method get_meta_info
Called internally to access the class-level meta information
Method get_new_connection
Returns a new PDO connection
Method get_new_connection
Returns a new PDO connection
Method get_required
Returns the value of the given key in the configuration. If they key does not exist, MissingRequiredConfigurationError is thrown instead.
Method get_resource
Generic implementation of getting a resource from a provider
Method get_server_description
Returns the server description for a given set of options
Method get_template_vars
Return the value assigned to the named variable, or all assigned variables if not provided.
Variable $hash
Variable $header
Variable $headers
Additional mail headers as an associative array
Variable $hidden_actions
Variable $html
HTML body
Page HasMany.php
HasMany.php in HasMany.php
Page HasOne.php
HasOne.php in HasOne.php
Page HasDependentError.php
HasDependentError.php in HasDependentError.php
Method handle_error
Invoked when errors occur. Respects the error_reporting setting.
Method handle_request
Process an incoming HTTP request
Method has_alternatives
Returns true if the message contains alternative formats
Method has_attribute
Returns true if this object has the named attribute (even if it is empty)
Method has_cached_attribute
Returns true if this object has a cached attribute with the provided name. See write_cached_attribute for more information on cached attributes.
Method has_cached_attribute
Calls has_cached_attribute on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method has_commands
Test this directory to see if it has installed commands
Method has_header
Return true if the specified header has a value
Method has_locking
Returns false to indicate this engine's item do not provide locking
Method has_locking
Returns false to indicate this engine's items do not provide locking
Method has_locking
Returns true to indicate this engine's items provide locking
Method has_locking
Return true if this Engine's items provide locking
Method has_locking
Returns false to indicate this engine's item do not provide locking
Method has_many
Specifies a one to many association with another class where the foreign key resides in the other class.
Method has_migration_table
Test for the existence of the migration table
Method has_one
Specifies a one to one association with another class where the foreign key resides in the other class.
Method header
Return the value of a header field
Method headers_for_cache
Returns the list of headers which have been output that should be cached (or an empty list if none).
Method help_string
Returns a usage/help statement for the command
Method hidden_actions
Return a list of all public methods which have been protected from use as an action.
Method hide_action
Accepts the names of one or more public methods which are protected from invocation as an action.
Method humanize
Convert underscore separated words to a space separated string of words with an initial capital letter.
Variable $if_callback
Variable $ignore
Matches words which are the same in both the singular and plural forms
Variable $included
Variable $index
Variable $inheritance_column
Variable $inst
Support_Inflector::$inst in Inflector.php
Shared instance
Variable $installedList
Variable $instance
Variable $intOnly
Flag indicating only an integer value is allowed
Page Init.php
Init.php in Init.php
Page InfoMgr.php
InfoMgr.php in InfoMgr.php
Page Init.php
Init.php in Init.php
Page ItemBase.php
ItemBase.php in ItemBase.php
Page InvalidUpgradeError.php
InvalidUpgradeError.php in InvalidUpgradeError.php
Page Install.php
Install.php in Install.php
Page InstallHook.php
InstallHook.php in InstallHook.php
Page InstallHook.php
InstallHook.php in InstallHook.php
Page InstallOperation.php
InstallOperation.php in InstallOperation.php
Method id
The id method/property always accesses the primary key column, even if the primary key is named something else.
Method id_before_type_cast
Access the value of the primary key column before the type cast
Method ignored
Test a word to see if it matches a pattern on the ignore list
Method increment
Adds one to the value of the named attribute. If the attribute is null, it is first initialized to zero before adding one.
Method increment_and_save
Increments the named attribute and saves the object.
Method increment_counter
Increments the specified counter for the given id by one.
Method index
Returns the index of packages available from the remote
Method index_of_package
Search an array for a matching package (any version)
Method index_of_requirement
Search the requirements array for a matching package and version
Method index_of_version
Returns the numeric index of a given version number, or false if it does not exist.
Method index_of_version
Search an array for a matching package version number
Method index_of_version_specification
Search an array for a matching package version specification
Method info
Normal informational message
Method info
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::info() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log an info message.
Method info
Normal informational message
Method info_status
Send an informational status message
Method inheritance_column
Return the name of the column used for single table inheritance.
Method init
Initialize a project
Method initialize
Initialize (or re-initialize) the proxy
Method init_class
Method init_class
Called to initialize class-specific information such as associations, validations, etc. Derived classes should implement this method to specify these class-specific details.
Method init_environment
Set up the environment to pull in the project settings. Generally you will want to call this at the beginning of your run_command method. The parameter it accepts is the package directory. If no directory is given, the current working directory is assumed.
Class Constant INIT_HOOKS
Method init_schema
Set up the schema, if needed
Class Constant INSIDE_PUBLIC
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in the repository
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in the repository
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method install
Invoked when the package is installed in a project
Method installation_directory
Return the installation directory (relative to CRITICALI_ROOT)
Method installed_package_instance
Return the named CriticalI_Package_Version instance from the installed list.
Method install_dependency_list
Add dependencies for a newly installed package to this project's properties
Method install_files
Install the files for a package
Method install_init_files
Add any specified classes to the init_files property for a package
Method install_package_in_list
Add the given package to our list of installed packages
Method install_plan
Create a plan for installing the specified package or packages.
Method install_property_defaults
Set any property defaults for a package
Method install_uninstallers
Add any specified classes to the uninstallers property for a package
Method instance
Returns the shared instance. Used only internally.
Method instantiate
Create a new instance of an object from a record. This handles single table inheritance, allowing different types of objects to be instantiated from the same table.
Method instantiate_migration
Instantiate the class for a migration
Method intersect_sorted
Returns a new array containing only those values from source which are also present in incl. Both input arrays must be sorted.
Method invoke
Invoke the proxy
Method is_absolute
Test a path to see if it is absolute
Method is_absolute
Test a path to see if it is absolute
Method is_associative
Test an array to see if it is associative. Note that this resets the array pointer.
Method is_empty
Test the collection to see if it is empty
Method is_empty
Returns true if the list of errors is empty
Method is_exact_or_newer_version_installed
Determine if a specific package version or newer is already installed.
Method is_exact_version_installed
Determine if a specific package version is already installed.
Method is_first_concrete_descendent
Determine if this class is the first concrete descendent from ActiveRecord_Base.
Method is_installed
Test to see if a package is already installed
Method is_installed
Determine if a package by the same name is already installed.
Method is_invalid
Returns true if the named attribute has errors
Method is_next_option
Peeks at the next argument to see if it is an option
Method is_number
Return true if the data type is a numeric type
Method is_on_add_list
Determine if the given package name is to be added
Method is_on_remove_list
Determine if the given package version is to be removed
Method is_request_verified
Test the current request for authenticity. Returns true if the request has been verified as authentic or does not require verification (i.e. GET requests).
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The memory engine is always supported.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The file engine is always supported.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The memcache engine is only supported when the memcache extension is also present.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. The apc engine is only supported when the APC extension is also present.
Method is_supported
Called statically to ensure this engine is supported before constructing it. Most engines will want to always return true, but in some cases it may be a good place to check that all needed extensions are present.
Method is_text
Return true if the data type is a text type
Method is_valid
Determine if this record is valid
Method is_valid
Tests if an item is considered valid (has not yet expired)
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Method item_for_key
Return the cache item object for the provided key.
Page Init.php
Init.php in Init.php
Page InvalidMigrationError.php
InvalidMigrationError.php in InvalidMigrationError.php
Page IrreversibleError.php
IrreversibleError.php in IrreversibleError.php
Page Init.php
Init.php in Init.php
Page Inflector.php
Inflector.php in Inflector.php
Variable $key
Variable $key
Cache_ItemBase::$key in ItemBase.php
Method kexclude_sorted
Similar to exlude_sorted, only the keys in source are compared to the values in exclude and only those key/value pairs whose keys are not in exlude are returned. The source array must be sorted by keys and the exclude array must be sorted by value.
Method key
Cache_ItemBase::key() in ItemBase.php
Returns this item's key
Class Constant KEY
Controller_ForgeryProtection::KEY in ForgeryProtection.php
Method keys
Return the list of keys in this list
Method key_value
Returns a clean key value
Method kintersect_sorted
Similar to intersect_sorted, only the keys in source are compared to the value in incl and only those key/value pairs whose keys are in incl are returned. The source array must be sorted by keys and the incl array must be sorted by value.
Variable $layout
Variable $leftText
Variable $level
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::$level in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Variable $limit
The size limit of the column
Variable $list
Variable $list
Variable $list
Variable $location
Variable $lock
Variable $lockCount
Variable $locked
Variable $locks
Variable $lockState
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Variable $logger
Cached logger
Variable $logger
Variable $loggers
Variable $longMsg
Error message to use for attributes that are too long
Variable $lowerBound
Minimum size
Page List.php
List.php in List.php
Page List.php
List.php in List.php
Method last_version
Return the highest version number (regardless of whether it's been performed)
Method layout
Accessor for this controller's layout name
Method length
Returns the number of associated objects in the collection (same as size())
Method limit
Return the size limit of the column
Method listing
Return the shared class instance
Method list_missing_dependencies
Return the list of dependencies that are not fulfilled in the system represented by the current installation and the given plan.
Method load
Load a project
Method load
Load the properties from the repository
Method load_associates
Called by the collection object to load the actual associated objects.
Method load_config
Load the configuration data from the file
Method load_fixtures
Set up the fixtures
Method load_fixture_files
Does the work of loading data from the fixture files
Method load_meta_info
This is invoked automatically by ActiveRecord_InfoMgr when the class-level meta information should be loaded.
Method load_migrations
Load migrations from the directory and tables
Method load_migration_files
Load the migration files from the directory
Method load_migration_records
Load the migration entries from the database
Method load_properties
Load the properties from the archive
Method location
Return the path or URL to the wrapper
Method lock
Cache_ItemBase::lock() in ItemBase.php
Acquire a lock on the key. The method is expected to block until the lock is acquired.
Method lock
Acquire a lock on the key. The method blocks until the lock is acquired.
Class Constant LOCK_READ
A read, or shared lock type
Class Constant LOCK_WRITE
A write, or exclusive lock type
Constant required by log4php to locate the config file
Method logger
Return a logger instance
Method logger
Return this class's logger
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Method logger
Return this class's logger
Method logger
Return a logger instance for the class
Method logger
Get a logger instance
Class Logger4PHP_Hook_ProjectInstall
Logger4PHP_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the log4php package
Class Logger4PHP_Provider
Logger4PHP_Provider in Provider.php
A logger provider for Support_Resources that provides log4php.
Method log_message
Send a message to the error log
Page List.php
List.php in List.php
Page LoggerProvider.php
LoggerProvider.php in LoggerProvider.php
Variable $major
Variable $maximumArgumentCount
Variable $memcaches
Variable $metaInf
Variable $metaInf
Class meta information
Variable $methodName
Variable $methodName
Variable $migrations
Variable $migrations
Variable $minor
Variable $minus
Variable $missing
Variable $msg
Error message to use
Variable $msg
Error message to use
Variable $msg
Error message to use
Variable $msg
Error message to use
Variable $msg
Error message to use
Variable $msg
Error message to use
Variable $msg
Page Mysql.php
Mysql.php in Mysql.php
Page Memcache.php
Memcache.php in Memcache.php
Page Memory.php
Memory.php in Memory.php
Page MissingPackageError.php
MissingPackageError.php in MissingPackageError.php
Page MissingPackageVersionError.php
MissingPackageVersionError.php in MissingPackageVersionError.php
Page Manager.php
Manager.php in Manager.php
Method mailFrom
Mail from command
Method make_directory
Creates a directory (and any parent directories) as needed
Method make_install_specification
Return the version specification as one suitable for an install requirement
Method mark_upgradable
Add the dependencies of a package to a list of upgradable packages
Method marshall
Given any value, returns a string representation of that value, serializing the value if necessary. This is convenient for preparing a value for storage for some engines.
Method match
Return an array of pathnames matching the provided pattern and origin directory. Returned filenames are complete paths (not relative to the origin). The returned filenames are not sorted.
Method match
Test a portion of a URL against this segment. Returns true if this segment matches, false otherwise.
Method match
Test a portion of a URL against this segment. Returns true if this segment matches, false otherwise.
Method match
Determine if this route matches the given URL
Method match
The match method adds a route based on matching a URL string with optional embedded parameters.
Method match
Test a portion of a URL against this segment. Returns true if this segment matches, false otherwise.
Method match
Test a portion of a URL against this segment. Returns true if this segment matches, false otherwise.
Method match
Test a portion of a URL against this segment. Returns true if this segment matches, false otherwise.
Method matching_versions
Return the list of suitable package versions for installation matching the given package name and version specification.
Method maximum_parameter_count
Return the maximum number of arguments accepted
Class Constant MAX_FILENAME
Method max_width
Return the maximum width of the cell
Method merge_sorted
Perform a basic two-way merge on pre-sorted input arrays.
Method message_mime_type
Return the underlying message mime type (irrespective of attachments)
Method meta_info
Retrieve the meta information for a class instance.
Class Migration_Base
Migration_Base in Base.php
Parent class for classes representing individual migrations.
Class Migration_Hook_ProjectInstall
Migration_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the migrations package
Class Migration_InvalidMigrationError
Migration_InvalidMigrationError in InvalidMigrationError.php
Class Migration_IrreversibleError
Migration_IrreversibleError in IrreversibleError.php
Class Migration_List
Migration_List in List.php
Migration_List keeps track of the migrations for a single directory
Class Migration_Record
Migration_Record in Record.php
Class Migration_Runner
Migration_Runner in Runner.php
Utility for running migrations
Method min_width
Return the minimum possible width of the cell
Method min_word_width
Return the minimum width of the cell that will not involve word
Class MissingRequiredConfigurationError
Thrown if a required configuration value has not been specified
Method mkdir
Create a directory, if needed, and verify the path is a directory
Method mkdir
Make a directory in the project. Creates any needed directories parent directories. If the directory is given as a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to the project root.
Method model
A convenience method that calls Support_Util::model()
Method model
A convenience method that calls Support_Util::model()
Method model
A convenience method that calls Support_Util::model()
Method model
Returns an instance of the named class. This is a convenience method
Method mtime
Cache_ItemBase::mtime() in ItemBase.php
Return the last modified time (as a Unix timestamp) of the value
Method mtime
Return the last modified time (as a Unix timestamp) of the value associated with the key.
Class MVC_Hook_ProjectInstall
MVC_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the mvc package
Page modifier.flash_escape.php
modifier.flash_escape.php in modifier.flash_escape.php
Page modifier.number_format.php
modifier.number_format.php in modifier.number_format.php
Page modifier.obfuscate.php
modifier.obfuscate.php in modifier.obfuscate.php
Page MailEngine.php
MailEngine.php in MailEngine.php
Page Msg.php
Msg.php in Msg.php
Variable $name
CriticalI_OptionSpec::$name in OptionSpec.php
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::$name in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
Variable $name
The name of the attachment
Variable $name
The column name
Variable $new_record
Indicates whether this is a new record or not
Variable $next
Variable $nl
Variable $null_allowed
Whether or not the column may contain nulls
Page NotInstalledError.php
NotInstalledError.php in NotInstalledError.php
Page NotInstalledError.php
NotInstalledError.php in NotInstalledError.php
Method name
Returns the name of the command
Method name
Return this route's name
Method name
Return the name of the package
Method name
Return the name of this association
Method name
Return the column name
Method name
Return the name of this proxy
Method name
Return the package name
Method name
Return the name of this wrapper (the combined package name and
Method negotiate
Negotiate the transaction
Method newest
Return the newest version of the package
Method new_record
Returns true if a corresponding record does not yet exist for this object in the database (a new object which has not yet been saved).
Method next
Return the next segment in the route
Method nextSequenceValue
Returns the next value from the named sequence. This function throws ActiveRecord_SequencesNotSupportedError if the connection does not support sequences.
Method nextSequenceValue
Returns the next value from the named sequence. This function throws ActiveRecord_SequencesNotSupportedError if the connection does not support sequences.
Method next_url_token
Breaks a URL into a next token and remaining segment
Class Constant NONE
CriticalI_OptionSpec::NONE in OptionSpec.php
Method normalize
Normalize a URL to a request path
Method normalize_package_args
Normalize $packageName and $version arguments as passed to public methods
Method not_found
Return a 404 not found message back.
Method null_allowed
Returns true if the column may contain nulls, false otherwise.
Variable $only
Variable $optionName
Support_UnknownOptionError::$optionName in UnknownOptionError.php
Variable $options
Variable $options
Variable $options
Variable $options
Variable $options
Variable $options
Variable $optionSpec
Variable $optionSpec
Variable $order
Variable $origRaw
Variable $outerBoundary
Outer MIME boundary (for attachemnts)
Page Options.php
Options.php in Options.php
Page OptionSpec.php
OptionSpec.php in OptionSpec.php
Function obfuscate_random_sort
obfuscate_random_sort() in modifier.obfuscate.php
Randomized sort function used by the obfuscate modifier
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Tests for existence of an array index
Method offsetExists
Test for the existence of a given offset
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the value at an array index. A numeric index returns a CriticalI_Option, a non-numeric index returns only the argument for the option.
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the migration at an array index.
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the package at an array index.
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the value at an array index.
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the package at an array index.
Method offsetGet
Get the associate at a given offset
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the package at an array index.
Method offsetGet
Retrieves the command at an array index.
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetSet
Set the associate at a given offset
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetSet
Sets the value at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Unset the associate at a given offset
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method offsetUnset
Deletes an entry at an array index
Method oldest
Return the oldest version of this package
Method on
Return the list of errors associated with the named attribute.
Method on_base
Returns any errors associated with the base class as opposed to a sepecific attribute.
Class Constant ON_CREATE
Type for validations that run only on update
Method on_exception
Handle an exception thrown in an action.
Class Constant ON_SAVE
Type for validations that always run
Class Constant ON_UPDATE
Type for validations that always run
Class Constant OPTIONAL
Method optionName
Accessor for the option name
Method options_from_argument_list
Return the options, if any, provided in a list of arguments and
Method options_hash
Provides internal access to the options hash
Variable $package
Variable $packageInfo
Variable $packageList
Variable $packageName
Variable $packages
Variable $packages
Variable $packages
Variable $packageVersion
Variable $packageVersion
Variable $parent
Variable $pattern
Variable $pattern
Regular expression to validate against
Variable $pattern
Variable $pattern
Variable $pattern
Variable $performed
Variable $plurals
Plural conversions
Variable $plus
Variable $postion
Variable $precision
The precision of the column
Variable $previousHandler
Set to the previously registered handler which will be invoked after logging the error
Variable $primary
A flag indicating whether or not this is the primary key for the
Variable $primary_key
Variable $primary_key
Variable $primary_key
Variable $project
Variable $project
Variable $project
Variable $properties
Variable $properties
Variable $properties
Variable $properties
Variable $properties
Variable $propertyName
Variable $protected_attributes
Variable $providers
Variable $proxied_methods
Variable $proxy
Page Provider.php
Provider.php in Provider.php
Page Proxy.php
Proxy.php in Proxy.php
Page ProxyMethod.php
ProxyMethod.php in ProxyMethod.php
Page Provider.php
Provider.php in Provider.php
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Page Plan.php
Plan.php in Plan.php
Page Planner.php
Planner.php in Planner.php
Page ProjectEnvironment.php
ProjectEnvironment.php in ProjectEnvironment.php
Page Package.php
Package.php in Package.php
Page Package.php
Package.php in Package.php
Page PackageList.php
PackageList.php in PackageList.php
Page PackageVersion.php
PackageVersion.php in PackageVersion.php
Page Project.php
Project.php in Project.php
Page Property.php
Property.php in Property.php
Page Package.php
Package.php in Package.php
Page PackageList.php
PackageList.php in PackageList.php
Page PackageVersion.php
PackageVersion.php in PackageVersion.php
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Page Provider.php
Provider.php in Provider.php
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Method package
Return the containing package
Method packages
Return a list of installed packages and their versions. Data is
Method package_list
Return the list of installed packages as a CriticalI_Project_PackageList (which contains CriticalI_Package objects instead of just a hash of strings).
Method package_name
Return the contained package name
Method package_on_add_list
Return the CriticalI_Package_Version instance with the given name from the add list
Method package_version
Return the contained package version number
Method package_version
Return the package being installed
Class Constant PARAMETER
Method parse_option
Parses an option
Method parse_option_optional_arg
Handle an option which may take an optional argument
Method parse_option_prohibited_arg
Handle an option which may not have an argument
Method parse_option_required_arg
Handle an option which requires an argument
Method passes_method_constraints
Tests if a request method matches any constraints set on this route
Method passes_parameter_constraints
Tests if a request method matches any parameter constraints set on this route
Method perform
Perform the set of operations prescribed by a CriticalI_ChangeManager_Plan
Method perform
Perform the set of operations prescribed by a CriticalI_ChangeManager_Plan
Method performed_version
Return the highest performed version number
Method perform_action
Perform the current action. This method is intended only for use by handle_request().
Method perform_migration
Perform a migration
Method pluralize
Return the plural form of a word
Method pluralize_impl
Implementation for pluralize
Method populate_versions_from_string
Populates the list of versions from a string containing a comma- separated list of installed version numbers.
Method pop_requirement
Remove and return the last requirement from the list. Returns an array whose first element is the package name and whose second element is the version specification.
Method position
Return this route's position
Method precision
Return the precision of the column
Method prefetchPrimaryKey
Used to test whether this connection uses sequences to generate
Method prefetchPrimaryKey
Used to test whether this connection uses sequences to generate
Method prepare_for_render
Prepare template and layout for rendering.
Method primary
Returns true if this column is the tables primary key, false otherwise.
Method primary_key
Return the name of this class's primary key. Default is 'id'.
Method primary_key
Return the primary key name for this association
Method private_directory
Returns the project's private directory.
Method process_arguments
Process the arguments
Method process_includes
Handle include processing for a result set
Method project
Return the project associated with this installation
Method project_private_dir
Return the directory that contains the non-public files for the project
Method project_public_dir
Return the directory that contains the public files for the project
Method prompt
Prompt the user and return the user's response
Method prompt_confirm
Prompt the user with a yes/no question and return the user's response as a boolean
Method property
Return the value of a property for this package version
Method property
Return the value of a property for the wrapped package version
Method property
Return the value of a property for this project
Method property
Return the value of a property for this package version
Method protected_attributes
Return a list of all attributes which have been protected from mass assignment (the list is always maintained in sorted order).
Method protect_from_forgery
If the request is not a GET request and does not contain the
Method proxy
Return a proxy object for this class.
Method proxy_method_for
Return the proxy method for a given method name, or null if none declared.
Method public_directory
Returns the project's public directory.
Method push_requirement
Add a requirement to the list
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Page ProjectInstall.php
ProjectInstall.php in ProjectInstall.php
Method quote
Quotes a value for output to an ini file
Method quoteBoundValue
Quote a value for use by sanitizeSQL
Variable $rawFile
Variable $rawSuffix
Variable $readonly
Indicates whether this record is read-only or not
Variable $receivedArgumentCount
Variable $recipients
List of message recipients
Variable $record
Variable $record
Variable $record
Variable $regex
Variable $remotes
Variable $remotes
Variable $remove
Variable $rendered
Variable $replace
Variable $requiredArgumentCount
Variable $requirements
Variable $revision
Variable $rightText
Variable $routes
Variable $routing
Variable $rows
Page RegExSegment.php
RegExSegment.php in RegExSegment.php
Page Route.php
Route.php in Route.php
Page Routing.php
Routing.php in Routing.php
Page RepositoryPlanner.php
RepositoryPlanner.php in RepositoryPlanner.php
Page ResolutionError.php
ResolutionError.php in ResolutionError.php
Page Repository.php
Repository.php in Repository.php
Page RepositoryLock.php
RepositoryLock.php in RepositoryLock.php
Page Record.php
Record.php in Record.php
Page Runner.php
Runner.php in Runner.php
Method random_bytes
Return a string of random bytes
Method rcptTo
Recipient command
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Cache_ItemBase::read() in ItemBase.php
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Return the value associated with the key from the cache
Method read
Read a config file and return the resulting array of data.
Method readonly
Returns the setting of the read-only flag for this object
Method read_attribute
Returns the value of an attribute type cast to the correct data type.
Method read_attribute
Calls read_attribute on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method read_attribute_before_type_cast
Calls read_attribute_before_type_cast on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method read_attribute_before_type_cast
Returns the value of an attribute without performing any type casting.
Method read_cached_attribute
Return the value stored in the attribute cache for the given name.
Method read_cached_attribute
Calls read_cached_attribute on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method read_lock
Acquire a read lock of the repository
Class Constant READ_LOCKED
Method rebuild
Rebuild the installation list file and repopulate the list
Method recipients
Return the message's recipients
Method recursive_list
Recursively list the contents of a directory
Method redirect
Redirect to a given URL
Method redirect_to
Output a redirect header to the browser
Method regex
Return the regular expression used to match this segment
Method regex
The regex method adds a route based on regular expression to be evaluated against the complete URL.
Method regex_replace_var
Callback for build_regex replacements
Method register
Register the logger
Method register_cache
Register a cache provider
Method register_config_data
Register a config data provider
Method register_db_connection
Register a db connection provider
Method register_lock
Register a lock for cleanup at shutdown
Method register_logger
Register a logger provider
Method register_provider
Generic implementation of registering a resource provider
Method register_template_engine
Register a template engine provider
Method release
Release any acquired lock
Method reload
Reloads the attributes for this object from the database.
Class Constant REMOTES
Method remove
Remove (delete) a property. The change is immediately saved to disk.
Method remove
Remove a package from the project.
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Cache_ItemBase::remove() in ItemBase.php
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Remove (uninstall) a package version from the repository
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove
Remove the key from the cache
Method remove_associate
Remove an associated object from this object's collection. This method handles database updates and foreign keys. It does not directly affect the contents of an association collection object.
Method remove_attributes_protected_from_mass_assignment
Remove attributes protected from mass assignment from an associative array
Method remove_closest
Add the closest matching installed package to the remove list
Method remove_event_listener
Remove an event listener from this class.
Method remove_event_listener
Remove an event listener from this class.
Method remove_from_version_list
Remove a version from a version list string and maintain sort order
Method remove_init_file
Remove a file from the list in the init_files property.
Method remove_list
Return the list of packages to remove
Method remove_multiple
Remove (delete) a set of properties. The changes are immediately saved to disk.
Method remove_package
Add a package to the remove list
Method remove_plan
Create a plan for removing the specified package or packages.
Method remove_version_from_packages_file
Update the installation list file by removing a single deleted package directory
Method rendered
Accessor for this controller's rendered flag
Method render_action
Render the template for the action
Method render_error
Render an error document
Method render_to_string
Render the template as a string.
Class Constant REQUIRED
Method required_parameter_count
Return the number of arguments required by the method
Method requirements_list
Return the list of requirements
Method requirement_count
Return the count of requirements in this plan's list
Method require_https
If HTTPS is not the current protocol, outputs a redirect header to this URL using HTTPS and returns false, otherwise returns true. Convenient for use as a before filter on pages requiring HTTPS.
Method require_post
If the current request method is not POST, outputs a 405 Method Not Allowed error and returns false, otherwise returns true. This is convenient for use in a conditional before filter to limit some actions to post only.
Method reverse_migration
Undo a migration
Method reverse_type_cast
The opposite of type_cast. Accepts a data type appropriate for this column and converts it (if required) back to a value appropriate for use in a SQL statement.
Method reverse_type_cast
Type cast a value from PHP code into a value suitable for use in
Method revert_file
Writes back the original file content (as it was loaded when this class was created).
Method root
The root method adds a route that matches the site root URL.
Method run
Run migrations.
Method runBare
Override the run method to allow additional prep
Method run_command
Internal implementation of the command. This must be implemented by all sub classes. The properties globalOptions, options, and args will have been populated when this method is called.
Method run_installers_for
Run any specified installers for a package
Method run_installers_for
Run any specified installers for a package
Method run_uninstallers_for
Run any specified uninstallers for a package
Method run_uninstallers_for
Run any registered uninstallers for a package
Method run_validations
Evaluate all validations of a given type associated with this object
Page Resources.php
Resources.php in Resources.php
Variable $scale
The scale of the columm
Variable $schemaLoaded
Variable $scope
Migration_IrreversibleError::$scope in IrreversibleError.php
Variable $scope
Variable $scope
Scoping conditions
Variable $scriptName
Variable $segmentsHead
Variable $sequence_name
Variable $shortMsg
Error message to use for attributes that are too short
Variable $singulars
Singular conversions
Variable $skipWrite
Variable $sock
Variable $sourceList
Variable $sql_type
The column data type (as reported by the DB)
Variable $start
Variable $statusListener
Variable $statusListener
Variable $subject
Message subject
Variable $summary
Page Sqlite.php
Sqlite.php in Sqlite.php
Page Store.php
Store.php in Store.php
Page Segment.php
Segment.php in Segment.php
Page StaticSegment.php
StaticSegment.php in StaticSegment.php
Page StatusListener.php
StatusListener.php in StatusListener.php
Page StatusListener.php
StatusListener.php in StatusListener.php
Method safe_file_name
Sanitize a string value for use as a filename
Method sanitizeData
Sanitize data for sending
Method sanitizeSQL
Accepts a string or array containing an SQL statement or
Method sanitizeSQL
Accepts a string or array containing an SQL statement or
Method satisfies_requirement
Determine if this plan already provides the given package and version specification
Method satisfies_requirement
Determine if the installed set of packages satisfy the requirement for the named package and version.
Method satisfy_dependency
Return the version that satisfies the dependency required by the given version dependency string or null if not found.
Method save
Write a property to the repository
Method save
Save the object to the database. If no record yet exists for the object, a new one is created. Otherwise, the existing record is updated.
Method save_or_fail
Saves the object to the database. If the save operation does not succeed, a RecordNotSaved exception is thrown.
Method scale
Return the scale of the columm
Method script_name
Return the script name
Method selectAll
Runs the select query provided in the $sql parameter, then fetches all rows into an array. Each individual row is fetched using the mode parameter provided.
Method selectValue
This is a convenience method for running select queries which
Method send
Send the mail message
Method send
Send an email message
Method send
Send an email message
Method send
Send an email message
Method sendLine
Send a line to the remove server
Method send_parent
Invoke a named method on an blank instance of our parent class if our parent is not abstract.
Method sequence_name
Return the name of this class's sequence. This function may be overridden by derived classes. The default name is actually determined by providing the table name and primary key name to the connection. It then builds an appropriate sequence name.
Method set
Cache_Store::set() in Store.php
Store a value for key.
Method set
Set the value of a property. The property is immediately saved to disk.
Method set
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore::set() in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Store a value for key.
Method set_action
This method sets the controller's action
Method set_associate
Mutator method for the associated object
Method set_associate
Mutator method for the associated object
Method set_associates
Mutator method for the entire collection of associated objects
Method set_associate_ids
Mutator method for the entire collection of associated objects by ids
Method set_attributes
Allows setting of multiple attributes at once by passing an associative array. The array keys are the attribute names and the array values are the values to assign.
Method set_config_value
Set a configuration value in the project. This will override any existing value.
Method set_connection
Sets the database connection for this class
Method set_constraints
Set this route's constraints
Method set_default
If no corresponding key in the configuration is set, defines a new value for it.
Method set_defaults
Set this route's default parameters
Method set_default_cache
Set the default cache provider
Method set_default_config_data
Set the default config data provider
Method set_default_config_value
Set a default configuration value in the project. If no corresponding key in the configuration is set, defines a new value for it.
Method set_default_db_connection
Set the default db connection provider
Method set_default_logger
Set the default logger provider
Method set_default_provider
Generic implementation of setting a default resource provider
Method set_default_template_engine
Set the default template engine provider
Method set_error
Set the error flag for the controller
Method set_first_segment
Set this route's first segment
Method set_flash
Set a flash message
Method set_foreign_key
Mutator method for the foreign key. This is redefined to invalidate any cached object.
Method set_header
Set the header for the table
Method set_header
Add a header field
Method set_html_body
Set the HTML body
Method set_id
Set the value of the primary key
Method set_inheritance_column
Set the name of the column used for single table inheritance.
Method set_layout
This method sets the path to the layout to be used.
Method set_multiple
Set the value of a several properties at once.
Method set_name
Set this route's name
Method set_next
Set the next segment in the route
Method set_position
Set this route's position
Method set_primary
Set whether or not this column is the tables primary key.
Method set_primary_key
Set the field name used as this class's primary key.
Method set_readonly
Change the setting of the read-only flag for this object
Method set_readonly
Migration_Records cannot be made readonly. Any attempt to change the readonly setting is silently ignored.
Method set_rendered
This method sets the controller's rendered flag
Method set_routing
Set the routing instance currently in use
Method set_sequence_name
Set the name of this class's sequence.
Method set_status_listener
Set the status listener
Method set_status_listener
Set the status listener
Method set_table_name
Set the name of this class's table.
Method set_table_name_prefix
Set the prefix to add to the table name
Method set_table_name_suffix
Set the suffix to add to the table name
Method set_template_defaults
Set various template variables if they have not been set explicitly.
Method set_text_body
Set the text body
Method set_value
Set the key to a new value, irrespective of any existing values.
Method should_validate
Determine if the object should be validated or not based on the configured condition
Method simplified_type
Return a normalized type name from a raw SQL type
Method singularize
Return the singlar form of a word
Method singularize_impl
Implementation for singularize
Method size
Return the total number of errors in the collection (same as count(full_messages())).
Method size
Returns the number of associated objects in the collection
Method slash
Adds slashes needed to enclose a value safely in double quotes in PHP.
Function smarty_block_cache
smarty_block_cache() in block.cache.php
cache Smarty function
Function smarty_function_checkbox
smarty_function_checkbox() in function.checkbox.php
checkbox Smarty function
Function smarty_function_controller_action_id
smarty_function_controller_action_id() in function.controller_action_id.php
controller_action_id Smarty function
Function smarty_function_errors
smarty_function_errors() in function.errors.php
errors Smarty function
Function smarty_function_include_text
smarty_function_include_text() in function.include_text.php
include_text Smarty function
Function smarty_function_message_area
smarty_function_message_area() in function.message_area.php
message_area Smarty function
Function smarty_function_p
smarty_function_p() in function.p.php
p Smarty function (URL prefix)
Function smarty_function_password_field
smarty_function_password_field() in function.password_field.php
password_field Smarty function
Function smarty_function_radio_button
smarty_function_radio_button() in function.radio_button.php
radio_button Smarty function
Function smarty_function_repeat
smarty_function_repeat() in function.repeat.php
repeat Smarty function
Function smarty_function_section_link
smarty_function_section_link() in function.section_link.php
section_link Smarty function
Function smarty_function_sort_link
smarty_function_sort_link() in function.sort_link.php
repeat Smarty function
Function smarty_function_text_area
smarty_function_text_area() in function.text_area.php
text_area Smarty function
Function smarty_function_text_field
smarty_function_text_field() in function.text_field.php
text_field Smarty function
Function smarty_function_url_for
smarty_function_url_for() in function.url_for.php
url_for Smarty function
Function smarty_function_week_options
smarty_function_week_options() in function.week_options.php
week_options Smarty function
Class Smarty_Hook_ProjectInstall
Smarty_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the Smarty package
Function smarty_modifier_flash_escape
smarty_modifier_flash_escape() in modifier.flash_escape.php
Escape a string for flash HTML
Function smarty_modifier_number_format
smarty_modifier_number_format() in modifier.number_format.php
number_format Smarty modifier
Function smarty_modifier_obfuscate
smarty_modifier_obfuscate() in modifier.obfuscate.php
obfuscate Smarty modifier
Class Smarty_TemplateProvider
The Smarty template engine provider. This provider returns an instance of Smarty.
Method sort_by_name
Perform a natural sort by object name property
Method sql_type
Return the column data type (as reported by the DB)
Method status_listener
Return the status listener
Method subject
Return the message's subject
Method summary
Returns the summary of the command
Page SMTPEngine.php
SMTPEngine.php in SMTPEngine.php
Class Support_ArrayHelper
Support_ArrayHelper in ArrayHelper.php
Additional helper functions for working with arrays
Class Support_ErrorLogger
Support_ErrorLogger in ErrorLogger.php
Utility to log PHP errors when they occur. Requires log_error to be registered with set_error_handler.
Class Support_Hook_ProjectInstall
Support_Hook_ProjectInstall in ProjectInstall.php
Custom install tasks for the support package
Class Support_Inflector
Support_Inflector in Inflector.php
The Inflector class handles conversion of words between their singular and plural forms.
Class Support_InflectorConversion
Used by the Support_Inflector class to hold conversion information
Class Support_InvalidResourceProviderError
Thrown when an attempt is made to register a provider that does not implement the correct interface.
Class Support_Mail_Attachment
Support_Mail_Attachment in Attachment.php
Represents an email attachment
Class Support_Mail_Engine
Support_Mail_Engine in Engine.php
Interface for sending email
Class Support_Mail_MailEngine
Support_Mail_MailEngine in MailEngine.php
Default mail engine uses PHP's builtin mail function
Class Support_Mail_Msg
Support_Mail_Msg in Msg.php
Simple class for constructing an HTML mail message
Class Support_Mail_SMTPEngine
Support_Mail_SMTPEngine in SMTPEngine.php
Simple SMTP-based mail engine
Class Support_Resources
Support_Resources in Resources.php
Factory class for accessing system and application-wide resources
Class Support_Resources_CacheProvider
Support_Resources_CacheProvider in CacheProvider.php
Interface for providing a cache store for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_ConfigProvider
Support_Resources_ConfigProvider in ConfigProvider.php
Interface for providing config data for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_DBProvider
Interface for providing database connections for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_DefaultCacheProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheProvider in DefaultCacheProvider.php
The default cache provider returns
Class Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore in DefaultCacheProvider.php
Support_Resources_DefaultCacheStore provides the same public interface
Class Support_Resources_DefaultConfigProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultConfigProvider in DefaultConfigProvider.php
The default config data provider includes a file named config.php (from anywhere in the include path) which is expected to populate a global array named APP_CONFIG.
Class Support_Resources_DefaultDBProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultDBProvider in DefaultDBProvider.php
Default implementation of Support_Resources_DBProvider
Class Support_Resources_DefaultLogger
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
A simplistic logger that passes message to error_log and does rudimentary filtering based on the current error reporting setting.
Class Support_Resources_DefaultLoggerProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultLoggerProvider in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
The default logger provider returns uses the
Class Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateEngine
Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateEngine in DefaultTemplateProvider.php
The default template engine
Class Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateProvider
Support_Resources_DefaultTemplateProvider in DefaultTemplateProvider.php
The default template engine provider. This provider returns a simple class which uses PHP's built-in templating abilities.
Class Support_Resources_LoggerProvider
Support_Resources_LoggerProvider in LoggerProvider.php
Interface for providing loggers for Support_Resources
Class Support_Resources_TemplateProvider
Support_Resources_TemplateProvider in TemplateProvider.php
Interface for providing template engines for Support_Resources
Class Support_TagHelper
Support_TagHelper in TagHelper.php
Helper functions for creating HTML tags
Class Support_UnknownClassError
Support_UnknownClassError in UnknownClassError.php
Thrown if an unknown/undeclared class is referenced
Class Support_UnknownOptionError
Support_UnknownOptionError in UnknownOptionError.php
Thrown if an invalid option key is supplied
Class Support_UnknownResourceProviderError
Thrown when an attempt is made to access a resource from an unknown/unregistered provider.
Class Support_Util
Support_Util in Util.php
Shared utility functions for common tasks
Method system_upgrade
Upgrade the criticali system to a new wrapped package
Variable $table_name
Variable $table_name_prefix
Variable $table_name_suffix
Variable $template_dir
Variable $testDir
Variable $testExistence
Flag indicating type of test being performed
Variable $text
Text body
Variable $token
Variable $type
The simplified column data type
Variable $type
Validation type. One of ON_SAVE, ON_CREATE, or ON_UPDATE.
Variable $type
Variable $type
The MIME type of the attachment
Page TableFormatter.php
TableFormatter.php in TableFormatter.php
Page TestCase.php
TestCase.php in TestCase.php
Page TemplateProvider.php
TemplateProvider.php in TemplateProvider.php
Page TagHelper.php
TagHelper.php in TagHelper.php
Method tableize
Convert a class name to a table name
Method tableize_impl
Implementation for tableize
Method tables
Returns an array of table names in the database
Method tables
Returns an array of table names in the database
Method tables
Returns an array of table names in the database
Method table_exists
Determine whether the table associated with this class exists or not.
Method table_name
Return the name of this class's table. This function may be overridden by derived classes. By default it infers the name of the table by converting the mixed case name of the class to an underscore format and pluralizing the name.
Method table_name_prefix
Return any prefix to add to the table name
Method table_name_suffix
Return any suffix to add to the table name
Method tag
Support_TagHelper::tag() in TagHelper.php
Output a non-content tag
Method tempfile
Create a temporary file and return its name. The file is automatically cleaned up at the end of the script.
Method template_cache_id
Returns the current template cache ID, in case you want to vary the cached output based on some condition.
Method template_compile_id
Returns the current template compile ID, in case this controller changes the template directory.
Method template_engine
Get an instance of the template engine
Method timestamp
Return a formatted timestamp
Method toggle
Sets an attribute with a true value to false and anything else to true.
Method toggle_and_save
Toggles the named attribute and saves the object.
Method to_string
Format the table and return it as a string
Method try_add
Clone a package and attempt to add a package to it
Method type
Return the column data type as a normalized name. May be one of integer, float, decimal, datetime, date, timestamp, time, text, string, binary, or boolean.
Method type
Returns the project's type
Method type_cast
Cast a string or raw database value to the correct type for this column
Method type_cast
Type cast a raw column value to a value suitable for use in PHP
Method type_condition
Return condition SQL fragment for single table inheritance
Variable $upgradable
Variable $upperBound
Maximum size
Variable $url
Page UnsupportedEngineError.php
UnsupportedEngineError.php in UnsupportedEngineError.php
Page UninstallHook.php
UninstallHook.php in UninstallHook.php
Page UninstallHook.php
UninstallHook.php in UninstallHook.php
Page UnknownPackageError.php
UnknownPackageError.php in UnknownPackageError.php
Page UnknownPackageVersionError.php
UnknownPackageVersionError.php in UnknownPackageVersionError.php
Page UsageError.php
UsageError.php in UsageError.php
Page Util.php
Util.php in Util.php
Page UnknownClassError.php
UnknownClassError.php in UnknownClassError.php
Page UnknownOptionError.php
UnknownOptionError.php in UnknownOptionError.php
Page Util.php
Util.php in Util.php
Method underscore
Essentially the reverse of camelize. Converts a mixed case string to a lowercase underscore separated string of words.
Method uninstall
Invoked when the package is uninstalled from the repository
Method uninstall
Invoked when the package is uninstalled from a project
Method uninstall_dependency_list
Remove dependencies for a package from this project's properties
Method uninstall_files
Remove all of the files in a listing. Any directories in the listing are removed if they are empty after first removing all other files in the list.
Method uninstall_init_script_listings
Remove any listings in the init_files property for the removed files listed in $manifest
Method uninstall_package_in_list
Remove the given package from our list of installed packages
Method unlock
Release any acquired lock for the key.
Method unlock
Cache_ItemBase::unlock() in ItemBase.php
Release any acquired lock for the key. As with lock(), this function should merely return (the default) if locking is not supported.
Class Constant UNLOCKED
Method unmarshall
This is the inverse of marshall(). Given a string value returned by marshall, returns the original value.
Method unregister_lock
Unregister a released lock passed to register_lock()
Method unwrap
Extract a wrapped package to the given directory
Method up
Perform this migration.
Method update
Find an object by id and update the attributes specified in an associative array. The object is automatically saved (validation permitting) and is then returned.
Method update_all
Updates a set of records given a SQL fragment for use inside a
Method update_attribute
Updates a single attribute on this object and then saves the object.
Method update_attributes
Updates a list of attriubtes from an associative array and then saves the object.
Method update_attributes_or_fail
Operates the same as update_attributes(), but calls save_or_fail, so a RecordNotSaved exception is thrown if the save operation does not succeed.
Method update_record
Update the record associated with the object
Method update_system_in_packages_file
Update the criticali system version listed in the package directory
Method upgrade_plan
Create a plan for upgrading the specified package or packages.
Method url_for
Return the URL for a given set of parameters.
Method url_for
Essentially the opposite of match(), this attempts to build a URL from a set of parameters. It returns the constructed URL on success, or false on failure.
Method url_for
Essentially the reverse of match(), this method assembles a URL segment from a set of parameters. Note that a RegExSegment is never capable of constructing a URL and so will return false.
Method url_for
The opposite of controller_for, determines the URL for a given set of parameters. If no URL can be constructed from the parameters, this method throws an exception.
Method url_for
Essentially the reverse of match(), this method assembles a URL segment from a set of parameters. If this segment cannot construct a URL chunk for the parameters, it returns false. Note that upon completion, $params contains only unconsumed parameters.
Method url_for
Essentially the reverse of match(), this method assembles a URL segment from a set of parameters. If this segment cannot construct a URL chunk for the parameters, it returns false. Note that upon completion, $params contains only unconsumed parameters.
Method url_for
Essentially the reverse of match(), this method assembles a URL segment from a set of parameters. If this segment cannot construct a URL chunk for the parameters, it returns false. Note that upon completion, $params contains only unconsumed parameters.
Method url_for
Essentially the reverse of match(), this method assembles a URL segment from a set of parameters. If this segment cannot construct a URL chunk for the parameters, it returns false. Note that upon completion, $params contains only unconsumed parameters.
Method usage_text
Helper function to produce partial usage text from a list of CriticalI_OptionSpec objects.
Variable $validations
Variable $validValues
List to validate against
Variable $variables
Variable $vars
Variable $version
Variable $version
Variable $versions
Page Validation.php
Validation.php in Validation.php
Page Version.php
Version.php in Version.php
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validate
Perform validation checks applicable any time the record is saved. Use errors()->add($attribute, $message) to record any errors.
Method validate
Validate the object provided. If the object is invalid, it is the responsibility of this method to add any errors appropriate to the object's error collection.
Method validateKeys
Validates that the key values in a set of properties are valid
Method validates_confirmation_of
Add one or more validations for fields which have a confirmation field that must contain an identical value.
Method validates_exclusion_of
Add a validation for a field that is allowed to have any value not in a given list.
Method validates_format_of
Add a validation for the format of a field. The format is validated using a perl-compatible regular expression.
Method validates_inclusion_of
Add a validation for a field that is only allowed to have a value in a given list.
Method validates_length_of
Add one or more validations for fields lengths. Length refers to the number of characters in the field (string length).
Method validates_numericality_of
Add a validation for a field that must be numeric.
Method validates_presence_of
Add one or more validations for fields which may not be empty.
Method validates_uniqueness_of
Add one or more validations for fields which must be unique accross records.
Method validate_find_options
Validates the options provided to a find method
Method validate_on_create
Perform validation checks applicable only before saving a new record. Use errors()->add($attribute, $message) to record any errors.
Method validate_on_update
Perform validation checks applicable only before saving an existing record. Use errors()->add($attribute, $message) to record any errors.
Method validate_options
Validates a provided set of options against an allowed set
Method validate_options
Validate an options array against a set of permitted options. The
Method validation_name_to_type
Convert a string name of a validation type to the class constant
Method valid_options
Return the correct set of options to use for a provided options argument
Method value
Return the value of this segment in human readable form.
Method value
Return the value of this segment in human readable form.
Method value
Return the value of this segment in human readable form.
Method value
Return the value of this segment in human readable form.
Method value
Return the value of this segment in human readable form.
Method values_for_insert
Return the list of all attribute values prepared for use in an insert statement
Method version
Return the version number as an array with three elements (major, minor, and revision numbers).
Method version
Return the version number for this migration.
Method version
Return the package version
Method version
Return the current version number
Method versions_string
Returns a comma-separated list of version strings for the versions this package contains.
Method version_string
Return the version number as a string.
Variable $widestCell
Variable $widestWord
Variable $width
Variable $wrapper
Page Wrapper.php
Wrapper.php in Wrapper.php
Method warn
Support_Resources_DefaultLogger::warn() in DefaultLoggerProvider.php
Log a warning message.
Method will_cache
Returns true if the given action name will be cached
Method will_conflict
Determine if a conflicting package is already installed (or, optionally, will be installed).
Method will_conflict
Determine if the given package will conflict with planned packages to install
Method working_directory
Return the path to the test directory.
Method wrap
Called internally to assemble a new wrapper
Method wrapper
Return this package's wrapper. This will fetch the remote package to a temporary file and return the wrapper object for it.
Method wrap_version_files
Insert files from a package version into a new wrapper
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Cache_ItemBase::write() in ItemBase.php
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Write configuration data to a file.
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write
Set the value associated with the key
Method write_attribute
Set the value of a named attribute. Empty strings for numeric fields are treated as NULL.
Method write_attribute
Calls write_attribute on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method write_cached_attribute
write_cached_attribute allows the object to store a temporary value
Method write_cached_attribute
Calls write_cached_attribute on the object the method was originally invoked on.
Method write_file
Writes any changes made out to the file
Method write_htaccess
Writes a default .htaccess file. Will not clobber an existing file.
Method write_lock
Acquire a write lock of the repository
Class Constant WRITE_LOCKED
Method write_properties
Write the properties file out
Page ZipError.php
ZipError.php in ZipError.php
Method zip_status
Return a status message from a zip object (if possible)
Variable $_action_method
Variable $_cache_actions
Variable $_cache_headers
Variable $_is_error
Variable $_routing
Variable $_runtime_variables
Variable $_will_cache_action
Function __autoload
__autoload() in command_autoloader.php
Autoloader used by the command line tool.
Method __call
Allow dynamic use of accessor and mutator methods for column values. Accessors follow the format column_name() and mutators follow the format set_column_name($arg).
Method __call
Map unknown calls made on the migration directly to the database connection.
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
CriticalI_MissingPackageVersionError::__construct() in MissingPackageVersionError.php
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
CriticalI_UnknownPackageVersionError::__construct() in UnknownPackageVersionError.php
Method __construct
Cache_UnsupportedEngineError::__construct() in UnsupportedEngineError.php
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Create a new runner for a given directory and optional scope name.
Method __construct
Method __construct
Constructor -- Direct instantiation is not allowed
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __construct
Method __constructor
Method __constructor
Method __constructor
Method __constructor
Method __get
Invoked when an attempt is made to retrieve the value of an undeclared instance variable
Method __get
Allow reading of attributes and reader methods as properties
Method __isset
Allow use of isset with record attributes as though they were public properties. Unlike other access to properties, this will not defer to to existing reader methods, only actual record properties can be tested.
Method __isset
Invoked when an attempt is made to call isset or empty for an undeclared instance variable
Method __set
Allow writing of attributes and use of set methods as properties
Method __set
Invoked when an attempt is made to set an undeclared instance variable
Method __sleep
Discard meta data and database connections not specific to this
Method __toString
Returns a pretty representation of the plan
Method __unset
Allow use of unset with record attributes as though they were public properties. Unlike other access to properties, this will not defer to to existing set methods, only actual record properties can be unset.
Method __unset
Invoked when an attempt is made to unset an undeclared instance variable
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